GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Decent trolling


This guy is a legit Russian asset

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Madison Cawthorn got arrested again today and also probably did insider trading, the dude hasn’t gone 3 days without being arrested or implicated in a scandal this year

Oh also the longest serving ND state senator is a pedophile

You could also argue that the USA once was a part of Britain. I am sure Rand Paul would just be fine with the Queen invading.


Just a sitting US senator denying the sovereignty of nations the US recognizes and has full diplomatic relations with.

Party of patriots.

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Wow I’m just shocked to see a Libertarian going to bat for a dictator, who wound have expected that.


also, baltics were a part of ussr (lol equating it with russia) and now a part of nato. russia hasn’t attacked them.


Even communism they took so far overboard that it became one of the biggest blights on their party.

Communism has been good for a lot of people, somewhat less good for those posting from the lap of luxury. Really strange post to make

they were right about inflation being the boogeyman

If Madison Cawthorn isn’t careful he’s going to mess around and be the 2024 Republican nominee!


Good thing her isn’t legally old enough

When I think about the people inconvenienced by communism, I usually start with the tens of millions starved or otherwise deliberately killed by their own governments rather than the upper middle class with a lower standard of living, but that’s just me.


When has that stopped a Republican?

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Except those countries committing atrocities in the name of communism weren’t actually communist. By the time those movements seized power they became nationalist authoritarian dictatorships where the ruling elite hoarded power, wealth and resources which is the antithesis of communism.

Communism in theory is quite possibly impossible to actually implement, human nature being what it is.

The US may have swung a smidgen left socially over the last couple decades, however from an economic standpoint it is entering into late stage capitalism with massive wealth inequality and unbridled political power in the hands of corporations.



We made fun of ACists for a decade for this argument

Doesn’t make it not true

Not sure why I should be more concerned with a hypothetical communism that doesn’t exist than with the one that does.