GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s true that they don’t actually care about everyone, but they will pretend to in order to attack pensions as ponzi schemes.

According to the Constitution, treason is a capital offense.

If Superman’s daddy believes that President Biden is guilty of treason, then it is reasonable for him to believe that Mr. Biden should be executed.

I don’t see a problem here, per se.

I’m kinda maybe pretty sure that virtually NO politician in EITHER party cares a whit about their constituents.

If Republican politicans figure out the being pro-life hurt their chances for re-election, they will abandon the pro-life cause.

Democrat politicians tend to relatively Muslim-friendly, even though Muslim’s are far more anti-LGBTQ+ than the Southern Baptist Convention or PragerU.

Thank you! I gladly accept any and all accolades for my brilliance!

I’m not talking about politicians. I’m talking about standard keyboard warrior conservatives that will jump into any discussion of pensionr or social security screaming PONZI SCHEME. They are all over personal finance discussion boards, for example, because hating collective systems is an essential part of the culture war.

I imagine you’ll be getting your NYT opinion column offer any day now.

I didn’t know who the hell this guy was


Thanks for the clarification.

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Farthest I ever got in journalism was having several op-ed pieces published in the Orange County Register in the 1990’s.

(That even surpassed my stint as the main sports reporter for my Junior High School weekly newspaper in 1972.)

Well you couldn’t be worse than bret stephens.

Here’s hoping Kari gets the same deal as Rudy.

Who’s suing her?

Edit: Nmd I read the article

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There’s no way. He can’t be that oblivious. It’s a troll, right?

I know, I know. But…just no.


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The picture is of the statue base, which was American made baby

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“Colorado’s 4th District is hungry for an unapologetic defender of freedom with a proven track record of standing strong for conservative principles.”

standing strong = running away

So if you’re Ramaswamy (or any GOP candidate), would you prefer running mate or a cabinet position? I’d have just assumed VP is more desirable, but sounds like that may not always be true?

It’s not desirable in cases where your supporters want to hang you.