GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Oh how fun it is to watch these college presidents being forced to defend free speech to the same shitbag deplorables that cry whenever some huckleberry gets cancelled for saying that brown people need to go back where they came from.

Not any consequences if you don’t, apparently.

I know, right? I mean they don’t even have a jail to put you in.

It has nothing to do with “your” perspective. They really DID sound like idiots.


Affirming that a call for genocide is bad shouldn’t require thoughtful consideration. Such is the state of apologetics these days.

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I don’t even think you have to be that equivocal.

The college groups and other ardent supporters of Palestine predominantly support Jewish genocide. It’s similar to the analogy of a slave revolt in their conception. Leading the masters to the guillotine is their stock-in-trade. Some weak half
measure conciliatory approach is traitorous to the cause.

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The presidents and their schools not respecting Jewish students’ feeling of being under attack is the most hypocritical aspect. I don’t think anyone would describe Jews as a majority group, and yet any other minority group, even Asians, who felt under attack, much less existentially under attack, would be getting resounding hate speech shield protection.

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Pretty great video on why no teacher worth their salt would ever use a PragerU lesson plan.


George Santos congratulates someone for coming out


A beaver and a platter puss


Sen. Cramer said in a statement that his son suffers from “serious mental disorders which manifest in severe paranoia and hallucinations.”

On Wednesday, the senator’s wife, Kris, was taking Ian Cramer to the Sanford Health emergency room in Bismark, he said.

“When she got out of our vehicle, Ian jumped into the driver’s seat and fled,” Sen. Cramer said.

@econophile is this why you posted this in the “insanity” thread


Odds the son with serious mental health issues give the Senator some empathy?


Depends on the severity, med compliance, etc. Broadly labeling everyone with mental illness as unfit to drive without killing seems harsh.

Credulously buying the company line at this point would be insane, so that post is also apropos for the thread.