Works for me. The reason it stopped working is Elon’s changes to Twitter API calls or something. The reason it works now is the forum software was updated and a workaround was installed.
Not working for me. It was for a while but it’s stopped again. I think on page load I can see it try to load something and it’s failing. Disabling adblocker doesn’t help.
I don’t know much about the forum software. My understanding is that it does better with “default” preferences, but I have no real idea.
Alas…one more small heartbreak:
Nobody on her staff had read a book, let alone that book.
I mean that is exactly what his pitch will be. His whole angle is being more Trumpy than Trump.
Works for me. Did Australia piss off Elon?
Never has the course of a person’s demise been so obvious and inevitable.
Pour gas on yourself and light the match. Be a legend.
People here thought he was going to be in the Cabinet.
Did that dude ever get his $5M from that ridiculous offer Lindell made for anyone to prove that his supposedly iron-clad election fraud evidence was bogus?
The funniest thing about it is that it was supposedly ridiculously easy, like there wasn’t even anything for the guy to have to prove the validity of, the “evidence” was something stupid like a list of names and addresses that had nothing to do with anything.
For me, there’s a noticable delay loading tweets. Slightly annoying but it works.
It’s a fun story. How I Won $5 Million From the MyPillow Guy and Saved Democracy - POLITICO
I assume the arbitrator’s award has been confirmed in court or is in the process. After that it’s just a judgment collections case.
I love a good challenge. And as the calls and emails kept coming in, I started to think, I should go, just to be there when history was made. I voted for Trump twice.
Emphasis mine. Was he joking?
Just 'cause you’re good at one thing, doesn’t mean you’re good at everything…
Did he enter the office with the baby? Do R-Congressmen just give out spare babies to visitors? I feel they are only giving us a tiny sliver of the story?
I hope he realizes that it doesn’t count as “his” baby if he eats it.
I once got asked at the border “is there anything in the car?”. After a quick “no” we were waved across.