GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Sent this to my daughter, who’s planning on seeing Barbie at a drive inn with a bunch of girlfriends on Monday. She replied:

:skull: oh my god

Seems ambiguous, but maybe I’m missing something.

Pretty sure the skull is equivalent to lol

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Thats correct, I think. Basically it’s gen z speak for “I’m dead, thats so funny”.

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He’s good at his job.



Enter ye into the narrow gate, it just requires a change of self in the mind.

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lol no neutrality - are you a partisan?

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A little glimpse into how the sausage is made on this election denier nonsense. I joined a writer’s forum and was poking around when I stumbled onto this post:

I am looking for an agent who is comfortable representing politically conservative material. This is time sensitive because a peer-reviewed journal article I wrote went viral over the weekend, with 4M impressions over 24 hours.

Finding the right agent is proving more difficult than anticipated. As far as I can tell, there aren’t any conservative agents. I doubt that is true but the illusion is the product of what is likely a scarce and well-hidden supply.

The study? It’s this supposedly peer-reviewed journal, which is paywalled: The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in New York State Voter Rolls | Journal of Information Warfare

The Journal of Information Warfare does show up in jstor. Does that mean it’s legit or can anyone get onto jstor? Journal of Information Warfare on JSTOR

Non paywall:

Abstract: Voters in New York State are identified by two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information. One of the several algorithms discovered has been solved. It first utilizes a mechanism nearly identical to the simple ‘Caesar Cipher’ to change the order of a group of ID numbers. Then, it interlaces them the way a deck of cards is arranged to create a ‘stacked deck’. The algorithmic modifications create hidden structure within voter ID numbers. The structure can be used to covertly tag fraudulent records for later use.

I’ve read this thing three times and it makes about as much sense as time cube or ethical skeptic.

Fraudulent records
The data uncovered by NYCA’s research suggests that systemic election fraud is built into New York’s electoral process. The current working hypothesis is that:

  1. False voters were introduced into the voter rolls;
  2. Records belonging to false voters were covertly tagged via an algorithm for easy retrieval when needed;
  3. Absentee ballots were requested by false registrants;
  4. Ballots and ballot envelopes were gathered at central collection points;
  5. Fraudulently-generated ballots were cast in fraudulently obtained ballot envelopes;
  6. False voter records were updated to reflect false votes; and
  7. After certification, false voter records were manipulated to disguise their purpose and history.

Not explained is how any of these hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voter registrations would stand up to an audit, among many other things.

So anyway this guy is hoping to publish his awesome book very soon!


Looks the part.


If it weren’t for all the liberal agents, famously more committed to their morals than making money :joy:



Real or Onion: Mitt Romney quotes “Dumb and Dumber” in Wall Street Journal op-ed

Last night on jeopardy a clue was, “Paul Ryan ran for vp alongside this candidate” and none of them knew it.




I was just relieved I got all the ones in the uniform numbers category.

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Grant, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and several other presidents fought in wars. Also, there are a lot more poors than there are presidents. Probably gonna lose a war if it’s like 3 guys vs all the poors of another nation.



Oooh, this was in our district. Marni von Wilpert is probably too moderate for this board to like, but she’s actually a great person and literally just came out as LGBTQ this year. Her city council district is pretty white/upscale/NIMBY/suburban.

Her district is a pretty good example of how San Diego is changing and heading more blue every year.