GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I’m glad. It’s difficult for me to maintain my composure about this stuff, because it’s so frustrating that we weren’t taught it, and that people didn’t go seek out reading on this stuff at least during all the worrying they did during Trump’s term, if not before then


What was poorly said?

This is going to haunt me the way “If it wasn’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college” haunted… Lewis Black, I think it was

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My heart was no sarcastic. And I don’t know what could have been poorly said about you not having read micro’s post yet

dammit, he actually made a good point, even if by accident

Not responding to your pointless gotcha bullshit isn’t “avoiding serious discussion”.

Also, continuing my CONTENT posting itt:

You said white cis christians weren’t targeted by Nazis.


stopped contact with former friend about 7 years back, over what i thought was an ethics issue that hurt a lot of mutual friends. one of those mutuals let me know last week that they also stopped contact with the guy a couple of years ago. that time it was over a hard-right turn on transgender issues. i had given it thought over the years, if the former friend voted trmp, but one thing i was sure is that he absolutely would start voting with the religious right at some point. it was a question of when, not if.

have another college acquaintance who went hard anti-woke-ism after 2016, on facebook of all places. i haven’t logged on to read any posts in years, but something tells me i would be shocked to find out where on the spectrum he is now. but i can’t stop thinking of memories from college where he said something anti-gay or anti-trans, and can only imagine what is going on in that head in this next election

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Not being able to ever coherently defend one of your trolling posts isn’t “gotcha bullshit” RAIDS.

Also a hearty LOL at the white Christians having it so tough. You sound like my racist family members. Which is because that is who you so obviously pretty much are.

Are you that knights of the templar guy from 2p2? Cause you’re doing straight up holocaust denial along with your extremely homophobic mocking of AQ.

This is such utter bullshit. You know people can read what he wrote?

It’s a mighty fine line between opinions endorsed by @microbet and “holocaust denial” and “homophobic mocking.”

3000000 Jews in Poland were killed. 98%. In context, what you’re doing is holocaust denial.

Lol boi. You and Raids on the Catholic holocaust I guess.

I was going to go dig up some 2+2 RAIDS gems but it seems he has been perma banned from that cesspool even. Which is a good thing because it wouldn’t have been a real productive use of my time.

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I don’t think we should jump all over @simplicitus yet. He’s clearly missing a lot of knowledge and cultural context

Just dropping in gay jokes while telling gay people they were a minor part in the holocaust and Catholics were a major part (and he’s not talking about the people who did it believe it or not).

Solid posting all around everyone.

