GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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I saw people driving through Philly today, the city with the worst air quality in the world this morning, with their windows down and no mask. And a vast majority of people carrying on their outdoor activities without one. I feel like 6 years ago masking in these conditions would be pretty ubiquitous. Republicanism has broken science.

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I wouldn’t have masked 6 years ago because I wouldn’t have had one handy. Wife picked me up from the subway yesterday with a N95 while the air quality in Toronto was at a 7


To be fair, I think I read that being out all day in this air would be the equivalent of smoking 6 cigarettes or something. If you don’t have asthma or something, and you know this will pass in a few days, it’s really not an enormous deal. Northern NJ was sepia tone yesterday and while I didn’t linger outside any longer than I had to, I didn’t mask up either.


What amazes me is that the higher-ups at Fox News know it’s all bullshit, as evidenced by what we saw with all the text leaks in the Dominion case. They are a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them I wouldn’t think? It’s like they are actively going, “Let’s kill off our audience!” or something.

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UP ahead of the curve.

Soot causes acid rain, but acid rain is good

I thought Ingraham got fired from Fox?

This is wildfire smoke! Its not caused by climate change, its natural!

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Mother nature rolls coal

Checkmate, libs

That turned out to be false :cry:


Even if there was no health risk, saying it’s “just soot” doesn’t make me want to run around outside. I still don’t want soot inside my body.

That’s 'cuz you’re a soyboy beta cuck, real men breathe coal.


I try to imagine thinking 25 years ago that one of the major US political parties would endorse contracting deadly illnesses and huffing smoke filled wildfire air and it’s pretty wild. Like, I know Trump destroyed all of the norms and we’re supposed to just adapt to the new normal, but man it’s just so bizarre.



j law ok

A lawyer for George Santos said on Friday that the people backing the indicted representative’s $500,000 bond are family members that he fears would bail on him if their names are publicly released, according to court documents obtained by Insider.

lol this fucking guy

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