GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I thought Nick Adams was doing a bit.

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I mean he obviously has to be… Portmanright.gif

I do think he is pretty severely right wing but I also think he leans into the most outrageous qualities of conservatives as a middle finger to liberals.

No, I mean I thought he was a pure charade. Thought that was well-established for everyone that has a passing familiarity with a modest proposal


My geriatric neighbor Trumper. He parks like this all the time. Already has his own handicap spot but decides to take up two spots like a complete jerk. Also has a motorcycle that he takes up a third spot with.

Totally shocked I know.

Never give in to the woke parking mob.


Are those really large spaces, or is he also parked up on the sidewalk?

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Find a big sporting goods store. Big sporting goods stores will have a hunting section, and you want the hunting scents subsection. There’s a lot of unbelievably foul stuff here like skunk scents, and it’s all very tempting, but get a bottle of elk estrus urine. It smells so bad as soon as it goes into your nose it feels like it continues on and punches your brain stem. Presumably at night, slide under the car and spray the EEU all over the length of the exhaust line. Try not to get it on YOU. Get the muffler of course but make sure you continue on towards the front of the car, you want to make sure you get it right under the cabin. When the car starts and runs for a while, this exhaust line heats up and will effectively bake a truly vile smell into the car’s interior. That guy’s car is going to smell like steamed elk sex grundle. The worst-smelling part of a barn is now his life in car. CRV for crotch, rectum, and vagina of unwashed elk how in hell can you still drive this thing. God help whoever is tasked with getting the smell out, maybe one of those specialized crime scene cleaning companies could.


I hope I never get on your badside!


his spot is next to a cutout where I presume I dumpster was supposed to go. They don’t go there anymore so there is this kind of awkward large space next to his spot. I mean there should never be a car anywhere near where his driver door opens. He has by the far the best parking spot. I have no idea what his though process is for taking up two spaces.

I don’t know if you can make out the the stickers on his car. It’s about as incendiary as you can be. I’ll take a close up when it’s light outside.

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Please take another angle for perspective.

Went outside to take another picture and the guy is sitting in his car so I decided not to take it.

This is how he parks his motorcycle. Making It really awkward to get in an dout of the spots next to it

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I spiked a coworker’s bottle of Old Spice with half a bottle of puppy potty training drops a long ass time ago. He kept it by the back door and lathered himself up on his way to the bar to pick up chicks. Watching people react to smelling him was fun.


We fed the neighborhood bully a dog food burrito. One of my proudest life moments.


I love how I know the name and address of the guy who broke into my car and stole a ton of shit including mountains of papers with my name on it, and the cops are like, sorry nothing we can do. But they can somehow arrive at a bathroom within seconds to demand ID from someone who doesn’t look female enough.


I have a neighbor like this. This is my parking layout:


16 apartments, 12 “prime” spots right next to the doors, and 16 additional spots on the back side of the lot. Open parking. Basic math should tell you you’re not even entitled to an unofficial claim to a single prime spot. I have two cars and I park one in a prime spot when able and the other always in the back.

When I moved in this guy had (1) a small trailer that he left parked in the back corner, (2) an inoperative motorcycle that could have shared a space with the trailer but took up the full neighboring spot instead, and (3,4) two vehicles between himself and his partner that usually both took prime spots. It was annoying but not as egregious as it sounds because there always seemed to be room for everyone.

At some point parking got more competitive and instead of being courteous he took his POS inoperative motorcycle and rolled it over to a prime spot with one wheel parked inches from the line next to a spot he wanted to claim as his own. It’s been sitting there for about 9 months now.




My work had a situation where a guy who got to work early would always park his Expedition one slot away from the stairwell with his tire covering the white line. He was basically daring anyone to take the spot between him and the stairwell, which was tight to begin with. I guess he wanted to ensure a big wide berth to open his door.

I might be an asshole, but I beeline for these situations, parking in the spot beside him as centered in the spot as I am able. Maybe hugging his side a touch. Fuck him.

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