GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Presumably a millionaire (or at least a multi-hundred-thousandaire) thanks to the grift and only has a single vehicle. A car nonetheless! What are they trying to do, save the planet or something?

Kinda curious if this is before or after the surgery. She’s 8 months pregnant and he had the surgery a month before the twins were born. It seems like it has to be before based on my own experience with cardiothoracic surgery and the limitations.

Wow. That video is just two people talking to each other, but it is also legitimately disturbing.

I guess it’s pretty few and far between most people see real, non-dramatized abuse.

The only other time that comes to mind in recent memory was a guy beating his partner in the high rise building across from my old place. It was horrendous, and I tried calling a domestic abuse hotline but they said unless the victim reaches out they could do nothing (what if they’re “playing around,” or if it puts the victim in more danger). It was so bad I took a video, and everyone who saw it was shocked at how violent and horrible it was. I was shaken up for a couple days.

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It’s so he can control his wife.


It’s just the least surprising thing ever when these right-wing icons get shown as miserable, nasty, horrible human beings.


You know what was surprising: Avenatti.


Christ that didn’t even occur to me, but now you say it, it’s very possibly right.

They have one car because he wanted to control what she did and when she did it.


Its absolutely the reason. “Oh you want to go somewhere, wife? Well too bad, I MIGHT want to go to the gym later so guess youll just have to stay here and make dinner.”


Ben Shapiro offered him a 4 year $50 million contract and Crowder called it a “slave contract” and made the contract public because he found it so offensively low.

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Well, maybe anti-trans parents should commit suicide if they fail as a parent and have a child successfully transition.


Came to post this… dude is a Grade A clown. I hope she bleeds him dry and he actually ends up broke.


Megan Hunt is one of 3 Senators fillibustering the session in order to prevent the bill from progressing. This is the alleged violation:

State law requires that public officials and employees disclose potential conflicts of interest… when a decision could have “a financial benefit or detriment to the public official or public employee, a member of his or her immediate family or business with which he or she is associated.”

This is the reasoning:

Begley, in his complaint, argued that Hunt would have “a slightly more than average chance” of getting the state’s Medicaid program to cover gender-affirming care for her son if L.B. 574 isn’t passed, even though Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services bans Medicaid funds from being used for gender-affirming care. “In order to fully transition, Senator Hunt’s child would need medical services,” Begley wrote.

The obvious reality:

“The point isn’t that I could gain financially if my kid has rights,” Senator Megan Hunt said. “The point is the harassment.”

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Cruelty is the point

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Ahh, I forgot that was him but I think I get one of the reasons why he acted like such a petulant child about it now. Regardless of how much he is actually worth, he didn’t want to sign this and give up $25M right out the gate.

Guy is a world class jerk, but it’s hard to feel bad for his wife because she had to know what she was getting into when she married him.

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It’s totally a safe bet that she’s awful, but let’s not let that distract us from tearing down Crowder.


Our provincial election is coming up in may and the current premier is right wing but losing by 3 points to our progressive party (think a party led by AOC). The premiers solution today was to start talking about how much she loved DeSantis! These people have one play in the book.


Danielle Smith is the craziest, dumbest politician in Canada’s history and that’s saying something given the last Alberta premier.

Alberta’s premier is essentially MTG.

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