GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Is this a fancy medical-sounding way of saying “pec implants”?

No, those are just silicon implants. Google his condition for a better idea of what this looks like.

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I don’t get the big deal here. There’s nothing wrong with men or women getting a little cosmetic work done and he certainly couldn’t have anticipated that the operation would go wrong and leave him hospitalized. Just sounds like bad luck to me.

I’ve got a mild case of it, it’s relatively common. AFAIK surgery is more common in young cases where it’s actually impacting lung capacity and heart placement so I’m gonna guess his rationale was mostly cosmetic. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but scheduling it for a month before your wife is due is pretty dumb.

Yeah, as said getting cosmetic surgery that will render you useless for a while when you already have multiple kids a month before you wife is due is insane.

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Even without complications, full recovery from that surgery can take months. Maybe there was some specific reason why the surgery had to be done when it was, but if it was truly voluntary and cosmetic, I think you pick some time other than when your wife is very pregnant.

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getting the surgery earlier is preferable, sure. but CAN he really put it off?

is it cool to get this kind of surgery when you’re caring for a newborn?

is it cool when you’ve got a toddler in the house?

so you’re looking at putting it off for like 4 years. and at that point, the child is becoming aware of your chest proportions and will lose respect for you as a man forever. it’ll be imprinted in their brain that dad is not manly enough, and no surgery can reverse THAT


Pecs overrated


Apologies- attempt at a joke of the MGTs of the world. MGT should not hold office.

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Good God, this dude is monstrous.


I was just describing this to my wife as something that would potentially make her angrier than anything she’s ever seen before in her life.

EDIT: and that’s the short version, the longer one is even worse

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I know, I get pissed when my wife wants to drive the car to the store, too.


Just from my description of this video and the one where he whines about women being allowed to get divorces, she is ready to advocate for the death penalty.

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It’s about respect.

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I had to turn it off when he gets high pitched and says “THATS NOT GOING TO WORK EEEEEEEITHER”



Don’t know who this guy is, but is that a Pointer at the beginning of the video?