GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

On paper, DeSantis is a great candidate: young, is a governor of a key state, is shameless and great with politics stunts. Then he goes out and just gets trucked.

The part both parties seem to always inexplicably miss is the value of being funny! Itā€™s a huge part of Trumpā€™s appeal and why Obama beat Hillary.


I hope Christie runs just to try to be the fatter bully who can sling some insults in the debates.

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Gladiator was objectively the most insightful political movie of its time but no one seems to have gotten the point. If you can work the crowd, nothing else matters.


Scott Walker 2.0, Paul Ryan etc.

Never seen that term before. Is that common? Normally I hear 'bride-to-be"

There have got to be some women out their with a weird fetish for this sort of thing. Iā€™ve never encountered it, but statistically it seems like it has to exist.

I think they get it at some level. Itā€™s just hard to be funny. Trying to be funny and failing is how we end up with gems like ā€œPokemon go to the pollsā€

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or at the very least charismatic

Desantis sounds like heā€™s singing Frankie Valli when he talks and cannot find a suit to fit him to save his life.

And being actually funny often involves taking a bit of sociak risk, which the corporate, bought and paid for, over coached career politicians absolutely will not do.

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Iā€™m liking the new and improved ā€œbelieve all womenā€ analog,

Not quite right.

If youā€™re Trump, you say ā€œsure, why not, live a littleā€ followed by ā€œand your wife seems to like itā€

Itā€™s how Biden beat Trump.

Not sure if that has been posted here but I just read an article on a german news page about that:

Dotzler also expressed concern with a provision in the bill that would make it so any business that employs a student in a work-based learning program is not subject to civil liability for any claims involving that student, even if the incident is due to the businessā€™ negligence.

With lightspeed back to the dark ages.

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deep state, save us

i refuse to believe this chick is this dumb. like she has to know sheā€™s full of shit right?

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Trumpā€™s blame America first stance doing BIG NUMBERS on the Unstuck Politics Bored.

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Also, lol at anyone that prefers that insane mongoloid to DeSantis.

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Why does this House hearing on NYC crime look like itā€™s being held in a half-lit middle school cafeteria somewhere?