GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I’m not sure I could love a picture more. Skateboarders out here doing God’s work.

If there’s one thing I learned from the movie Kids - don’t fuck with skateboarders.


All the


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Didnt know we had a Norewigan on board. Wife and I have been looking at trying to move to Oslo on a digital nomad visa once the kids are out of the house. Thoughts on the area?

Depends, what are you looking for? It’s a pretty cool city, expensive, decent weather in the summer and not too hot, very easy to speak English in, very good food available etc. Feel free to PM me.

How dare these journalists ATTACK me by pointing out the terrible things I’ve said and done? Disgraceful!


lol leopards

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Don’t vote for the nerdy, Ivy League elitist who might be gay.


This is why it’s so fucking funny that libs keep thinking it’s a plus to run a Marine in red areas

Kunce more like ■■■■■ amirite


He’s older than W? Because wasn’t W a Yale cheerleader? Wait, wait why would I expect something from the senate republicans to be accurate? Shame on me.

Other famous cheerleaders turned politicians include FDR, Eisenhower and Reagan. Something about being athletic and wanting to lead big crowds while yelling inane slogans seems to be a good predictor of life success (or maybe it was going to elite schools during the days of gender division where lots of men were cheerleaders because there were few if any women around :thinking: )

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I mean obviously AR-15 is one of the last guns you’d want to be shot with? No gun nut would ever argue against that?

They might argue the efficacy of collecting all the AR-15s, or that the tradeoff isn’t worth it, or whatever. But argue that you wouldn’t rather be shot with pretty much any other gun???

I’d prefer to be shot with a muzzle-loaded musket, the way the Founders intended.


I prefer to be shot with a cabbage cannon:


But not a watermelon slingshot


Male cheerleader in college is not the diss republicans think it is.

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Why am I getting this error? It’s a college football game.
