GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

What about “if I have an army of high priced lawyers, then it’s not a crime if I do it, but if you’re poor, then it’s a crime when you do it”? 'Merica. If you don’t like it then leave. The Greatest Country In The World.

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My parents are selling our childhood home and about the only things of mine left there are the random schoolwork from young ages and the trophies and I don’t have room/want them but my mom is having a hard time parting with them.

Parents love that shit, the kids don’t really care.


From more reporting, it sounds like the Judge found that the statements were false and that Fox did not report them in a neutral way, so the only issue for the jury is whether Fox acted with actual malice. Given the emails, etc. we’ve seen, it’s going to be hard for Fox to win with a Delaware jury.

Is it possible for FOX to lose enough money for it to actually change their business in any way?

Hard to say. I assume they will be more careful going forward to make sure they are clearly presenting stuff as opinion and not adopting what the guests are saying, but I doubt they will stop reporting the conspiracy theories. Best hope is that this is too hard for guys like Hannity and Tucker, or that it’s too boring for their viewers.

Working hard, thank you!

Kids care in the moment, but don’t after a while. Little kids love getting a trophy and generally understand if it’s for participation or for winning. It just makes them feel proud and there’s nothing wrong with that. Over the years, no, they don’t care about those participation trophies, but they still have good memories.

My mom’s strategy for getting rid of my old trophies is to give them to me as gifts.

The money honey’s former producer thinks that both of them are being setup for blame. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bartiromo moves on like Lou Dobbs or O’Reilly.

If she gets got, why not Tucker. They seem to have equally damaging shit from him.

While these personnel moves would be changes I don’t count them. They’re are plenty of conservative gasbags willing to step into those slots who will spew near identical content.

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Death threats incoming.

Counterpoint: the area of Norway where i live is also the least religious, thus making us probably the most heathen area in the world. Somehow, we aren’t murdering each other en masse, LGBTQ+ rights are strong etc.




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