GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

That’s not relevant to Kendi’s stance (or the broader woke discourse) for two reasons

First: the claims are (generally) about disparities between groups of Americans rather than between Americans and other nationalities.

Second: the claims are typically about outcomes like health, wealth, incarceration rates, etc. instead of athletic prowess

I think there are certainly cultural factors that make certain groups better or worse at all kinds of things. It doesn’t have to be for a disparaging reason either.

Race and culture are not equal.

Yeah but it’s those other white people. It’s not me or anyone I know! Keep your hands off my 500 dollar dinners

I was responding to the discussion that started with this post

In that post Mandel defines wokeism as

A radical belief system suggesting that our institutions are built around discrimination, and claiming that all disparity is a result of that discrimination. It seeks a radical redefinition of society in which equality of group results is the endpoint, enforced by an angry mob.

I think the bolded part is generally a fair description and would be accepted by many leading “woke” thinkers, with the possible clarification that equality of group results on average is one goal among many. My quote from Kendi was just substantiating that this is in fact a view held by well known scholars who fit in the woke category.

So the description seems accurate whether or not you agree with the underlying claim that disparities (of the type relevant for the discussion) are due to discrimination.

As for your view, I think you’re right in the sense that things like being able to get a good bagel in New York are due to cultural factors. But desires like not dying young, not being incarcerated, and earning enough to live a middle class lifestyle are fairly universal, so I find cultural differences to be less convincing explanations of the marked differences in average outcomes among these metrics. Furthermore, many cultural differences are themselves the result of historical (and even contemporary) discrimination.


They are equally ambiguous more or less, imo.

This is correct but it is not what conservative bullshitters are talking about when they try to muddy the waters. They are trying to imply that woke culture = total absence of individual responsibility - that ALL disparity (not just among groups but among individuals) is due to discrimination. They do this because they know it will land with people that refuse to believe that any of their personal privilege was obtained unfairly.

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Yeah, but apparently some Stanford law students didn’t want to hear some judge’s bullshit, which is the real outrage.

But was he a drag queen?

One is real and exists. The other doesn’t except as a construct of its counterpart.

Isn’t the “race doesn’t exist” argument the same one used by detractors of affirmative action and other race-based (ahem) programs to argue these programs shouldn’t exist?

Not sure but if so it’s a dumb as the goal. Race is a cultural construct so if anything it’s more reason for other social constructs to counter it.

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My god that account

1 hour 55 minutes? lol

Surely there was a half marathon on Halloween somewhere sometime and like 10 people dressed as witches beat that time.

No notes


Craig T Nelson already did that bit:


I’m starting to think it would be a lot less embarrassing for these people if they just let the woke mob silence them.

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