GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s only mildly amusing at best. Politicians take pictures with stuff and people as a matter of routine, this is really low hanging fruit.


But have you considered the oh my god he admit it meme potential?

Yea agreed, though I think the creativity of this one takes it a step above some of the others. It’s well done. It just feels very #resistance, laughing at the fascists while they’re winning.

Yes I’m sure he laughed heartily at the idea of holding up a snowflake.


someone post the meme so I don’t have to

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Remember when Obama said people “clung to guns or religion” and it was a national scandal? Boy, I can’t wait to see the conservative outrage over the producer of a show that caters to deplorables referring to their audience as “dumb cousin-fucking terrorists”. Sometimes I start to doubt whether we live in a world where anything matters but by golly, I bet this will be the thing that restores my faith.


In the end nothing matters, but I wish someone would even try. Just go after Fox News and have a bunch of talking heads just hammer “dumb” “cousin-fucking” “terrorists”. See what happens. Probably nothing but maybe you hit runner-runner.

The only person who can get on Fox and might be willing to do this is Mayor Pete.

You don’t have to only try to do it on Fox. Just do it everywhere else and do it a lot. Eventually it will (hopefully) penetrate.

It’s yet another example of the asymmetrical warfare that is Dems vs Reps. If this were MSNBC execs talking about dem voters you know damn well it’s the only story we’d hear out of every dumbass conservative the world over.

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Exactly. Dems need to do this. It may not amount to anything, but at least take the fucking shot.

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The difference of course is even MSNBC would do endless naval-gazing pieces on it. Having some semblance of standards and accountability is a real hindrance.

That’s what I keep telling people!

I don’t think most disagree with that part of your schtick.

Imagine thinking Saudi royals don’t fuck their cousins


Not to mention that Dem voters would abandon MSNBC en masse. Meanwhile, Fox News ratings have not budged afaik.

it’s literally

Fox News: “We are lying to you.”

Fox News viewers: “No you’re not!!!”


Conservatives shockingly less able to identify fake news when put to the test.

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