GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

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Tone of voice matters. His version of “lady” is delivered in the same tone you would use to start a sentence with “Look, lady, …” when you’re getting ready to berate an obnoxious Karen at the grocery store.

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Was he calling her “lady”?


ETA: I see this has been addressed. His tone was similar to that of people who have “never been wrong” which also hurts his point. I think it’s pretty clear that historical and established traditional gender roles are fine for “lady” but she takes issue with the more modern conceptions of gender, so the gotcha isn’t really that effective. Her “beliefs” aren’t seeking to “impose” anything, because it is already the status quo.

Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves.

The guy is just dumb as rocks


Conservative narratives break apart on the rocky shores of budget math all the time. They greatly exaggerate the scope of Government Waste and greatly overstate the ease of identifying and eliminating the waste that is there. As easy as it is to criticize ivory tower technocrat types (which I do all the time) they at least TRY to get the math to work out.


Well that’s not technically true, there is in fact unimaginable waste occurring, it’s just in the permanently untouchable military budget, and in pathetically weak tax code enforcement.


I agree that there is tons of waste, of course. There’s tons of waste in the private sector, too, there’s tons of waste in any large organization as anyone who has worked in large organization knows. Since the government is pretty much by default the largest institution/organization a society can have, it will have lots of inefficiency. The actual question is whether it has inefficiency out of proportion to the benefits rendered by an effective welfare state.

Conservatives aren’t asking this tough question, though, they are just lying. The best lies are the ones that are “truth adjacent”, so their propaganda about Government Waste lands. The waste that conservatives talk about is a mythical, imaginary waste that they claim can be easily identified and eliminated without impacting the services that people rely on daily.


Yeah. Waste existing, or manny other bad things in an organization, isnt debatable.

many strategies at work or elsewhere start and end with that fact.

Yes. Theres a problem. Okay. So what’s your diagnosis of why, and what action are you going to take that addresses that diagnosis.

Part of the very low bar one needs to clear to move beyond conservatism is to realize that the math just doesn’t work.


i am not any sort of management, but it seems that a large corporation is usually exploiting a high efficiency in one aspect of the business (maybe their core business), while tolerating waste in other aspects (staffing, bonuses, coffee makers). but the term “waste” is categorically too vague and broad. i would rather employ two people for the job that theoretically one can do, just so that they can have downtime. but to a birds eye view of an investor, that could look like waste

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Indeed. Allocation of resources is complex and imperfect, so reasonable people can disagree on what is actually wasteful. And the larger the organization, the harder it is to track and measure the use of resources, and inefficiency is inevitable. As the organization grows, decision making becomes more difficult and happens at more levels with less information. Such is life.


Pussy libs and their weed. Cocaine, now that’s real American drugs!


Typically a corporation isnt good at anything. They just built or fell into some kind of market advantage.

so being anti-drug is now “woke”

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i’m not gonna touch that bait. everything is nuance.

To paraphrase Jon Lovitz in his guest appearance on Friends, “Woke… woke…woke…the word had lost all meaning.”

I’m sure you believe there’s nuance in your trolling username and avatar, too