GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

“Wokeness” now extends to not performatively wasting energy.


I love the host claiming that us being distracted by M&Ms is what China would want yet she’s the one dedicating a news segment to it while as far as I can tell it’s only right wing media making this a story.


Jim Breuer is that kid whose mom told him to stop making that face or it’ll get stuck and somehow she was fucking right.


What is the penalty for checking the wrong box? #wegothim

“Late Tuesday afternoon, Santos’ political operation filed a flurry of amended campaign finance reports, telling the feds, among other things, that a $500,000 loan he gave to his campaign didn’t, in fact, come from his personal funds as he’d previously claimed.”

“Another amended filing on Tuesday disclosed that a $125,000 “loan from the candidate” in late October also did not come from his “personal funds,” but like the $500,000 question, did not say where the money came from, when the loan was due, or what entity, if any, backed the money.”

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I dare anyone to try and come up with a single example of a dumb and/or lazy rich person. Good luck, Not possible imo.


Most self-made wealthy people are probably hard working. Even if they got their unethically they at least had to put in the work. Smart though, lol. So much of who succeeds and who fails is more of a lottery than anyone is willing to admit.

I definitely think that hard work and moderately high, but not high, intelligence is the sweet spot for wealth accumulation. That and starting with wealth.

Hell, I’d significantly boost my income if I worked hard.


Would you be happier?

Who was that NY guy? Got money from his Dad. Lived in DC for a bit. I think he’s in Florida’s now???


My guess is that hard working-ness and intelligence are much less correlated to wealth than “starting with wealth”

Probably near-perfect correlation for that last one, while I’m sure we all know plenty hard-working or smart poor people.

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The guys at AT&T think I’m just some dumb hick. They said that to me, at a dinner! Call AT&T and say, “I’M NOT WORRIED ABOUT IT! I’M NOT WORRIED ABOUT ANY OF THIS! THERE’S WORSE SHIT ON THE LOCAL NEWS!” This world’s fucking so fucked up.


Starting with wealth is easy, for sure. And there are tons of hardworking people that struggle just to stay above water. But I definitely don’t know any lazy people that started at the bottom and got rich (lotteries aside).

Griftin’ ain’t easy.

Probably too good to be true - especially given the source.

Glad to have that all cleared up. Do they still do that thing in Congress where they have huge ranges for their self-declared wealth? Reps will say they have a net worth somewhere between $60K and $17M.

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Sounds like what some companies are doing with the new California law that requires salary ranges in job postings. Ive encouraged my wife never to apply with Netflix after they’ve been posting engineering jobs with a salary range of 70-700K.

Fuck that noise. Why would I ever want to work for a company that cant follow a very simple rule for transparency in the workplace. What else will they hide from their employees?

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Yep. As just one example, from that same article about Santos, “Santos’ most recent financial disclosure shows a $750,000 salary from the Devolder Organization, along with dividends valued between $1 million and $5 million.”

We’re turning into the Soviet Union with this shit.

“The grain harvest this year is glorious and bountiful” = food for all.

“The grain harvest this year is very good” = mass starvation imminent.

How fine-tuned do you want those ranges?