GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Am I the baddie if I hated TLJ?

no, but you’re a nazi.

ETA: allegedly

lethargic democracy, empty diet

Why should they comment? Do they have to comment on every RANDOM crime committed for NO REASON? They denounce all crime. All crimes matter.


My brief interlude into RW media was suggesting that Paul Pelosi knew the guy and it was some sort of gay sex thing, but I moved on quickly from that.

Even if they denounce it, it’s not a deal-breaker. So why bother? They still love Trump and they love his supporters.

Lol in like 10 days there will be 0 republicans in the house who think the insurrection was bad, down from the current 3/215

What kind of psycho charges their phone in the bathroom


Not a security expert, but a working alarm system would seem advisable.

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It’s genuinely surprising that anyone is surprised GOP politicians aren’t speaking out against the Pelosi attack.

Say what you want about them, they’re very honest about being completely fine with violence against their political opponents.

They promote it. What’s the point if they get all squishy about it about after it happens?

I lock my doors and will double check before I go to bed.i have experienced a home intruder in middle of the night , so it’s probably why I’m paranoid. If I was worth multi millions I would be investing a large amount of money into security and be super paranoid. If I was famous I would have even more money invested in my security. The pelosi’s actually having what looks like no security blows my mind.

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Democrats literally still out there appealing to the decency of people happy to see them murdered.

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They’re fine with political violence because political violence doesn’t affect them.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.”


Hotdog man dot jpg


No shit, Megan.

So I’m hesitant to link to the shit I’m reading, but gateway pundit and the like think this was the result of a lovers quarrel between pelosis husband and a male pelosi assistant.

Believe your pony died in a love triangle.