GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I was text banking yesterday when the campaign phone rang. Here’s how it went:

Me: Rocha for Senate, can I help you?
Caller: Hi there. Can you please tell that c**t to stop texting me? Thank you.


So instead of just texting “stop” like we say to, this guy took the time and effort to go to our website, look up the campaign number, and call it just to be a dick.

Also, this:


Completely broken country.



tucker has been going hard as fuck lately

Probably not GOP but wtf this exists?! poor kids

Goddamn Luke, what a moron. Isaiah when its clearly Psalms. Psssshhh

Alex Jones does a lot of the “Elites want you to eat bugs and rats” thing too. Anyone know what this shit refers to?

I think plant based meat?

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Also, people have proposed farming crickets/insects as a cheap source of protein.

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He’ll be out by Christmas, right?

Still more time than Roger Stone, right? I’ll take it.

It’s all of this, plus just the general idea that eating lots of meat is unsustainable but (in America and globally) a diet heavy in meat is seen as being a major indicator of middle class success. The consumption of meat is a terrific wedge issue for conservatives (one might even says it’s “red meat” for their base, HA!) because it has this wonderful conservative grievance resonance combining being asked to sacrifice anything at all on behalf of the common good (THAT’S SOCIALISM!) PLUS a bunch of toxic masculinity ideas around diet and toughness (i.e. see “soy boys” for reference).



My bad, I meant home for dinner today.


Liberals want to take away all your hamburgers and make you eat tofu which reduces your testosterone so that you become transgender. Open your eyes!

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No but there is an environmental activist sub thread of more sustainable sources of protein which includes soy but also stuff like crickets. You can’t feel like a Real Man eating cricket powder the same way you can when you tuck into a steak. John Wayne never ate no crickets.

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Lara Logan is being deplatformed by the right.

This is underselling things. She had already been quietly unwelcomed from Fox News earlier this year. This is her being banned very publicly by Newsmax. Lara Logan is too crazy for Newsmax.