GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I was hoping perhaps “gender transition procedure” was narrowly defined as a full-blown sex change operation but it’s the opposite, basically anything that interferes with God’s plan for little Timmy is gonna get you life in prison.

Wow didn’t realize we started as My Milf.

We’re college hunting with my trans kid and keeping track of which states are controlled or close to being controlled by loonies has become a real part of the process. Seems like most GOP legislators in most states are fucking lunatics, and there’s a difference between proposing these bills and them becoming law, but it emboldens bigots in the population, like whatever’s happening here:


That’s gotta be tough. It’s basically just Pacific coast, Northeast, and Illinois, right? Not sure I’d trust anywhere else.

Good luck.

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Pretty much, and thanks.

Jfc. I’m so sorry you all have to deal with this.

I guess If there is a preferred school I might add in states that should be electing Govs in 2022 and readdress as 2026 approaches. And of course they can’t have veto prod crazy legislatures. So that would be Michigan and Pennsylvania?

But safe is the limited list by eyebooger.

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Take a look at Iowa City if you haven’t :heart:

Yeah considered that after I posted. It’s a very progressive city that is, unfortunately, in the middle of Iowa

This is the case with most college towns in red or purple states. My kid would love to go someplace far-flung like Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana. And the actual town they live in might be fine and they wouldn’t experience discrimination on a day-to-day basis, but if they require emergency medical treatment (or just regular medical treatment!) I’d have to worry about that kind of thing. Or getting prescriptions filled, etc.

A couple schools in Arizona and Colorado have stayed on our lists for now, but we’ll see what happens.

Have you considered collage abroad? Australia or NZ? Or somewhere in europe?

In the future, absolutely. None of us (my kid included) think it’s a good idea to jump into that big of an adjustment off the bat.


Furry - costume, not a child.

I’ve found the new slogan for the next furry convention

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This one should be linked too as it includes a link to the full story

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Joe Rogan is a giant fucking gullible moron, part 547960374840

Can’t wait for the idiots at my cigar lounge poker game to bring up litter boxes in school.

Without any evidence one way or the other, if someone said the litter box thing to me, I’d call them a fucking idiot (in the nicest possible way). I mean, without even knowing anything about it, if I just heard it out of the blue, I’d know there’s no possible way it’s true. 0%.


If this gets brought up at my lounge, my response will be 100% “You’re a fucking idiot”.

I’ll post a TR if it happens.


I thought one of the characteristics of bullshit was that it was at least remotely believable. Maybe that’s the joke. That standard no longer applies as these morons will literally fall for anything.

I don’t get it. Doesn’t everyone use litter boxes? Are you telling me you poop in the same bowl you drink your water out of???