GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Well, then, treat them like zombies in a video games.

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Bottom line what I have come to believe is that since this country is basically ran by what drives engagement, and therefore generates $$$, means that this whole phenomenon of cable news and tucker and their interaction with what I have always just referred to as “the hive mind” because nothing else I can think of describes it, is in a ridiculous feedback loop -

Tucker’s show for instance is calculated on what will get people the frothiest. It works really well to hit this button with people. So, this engagement gets him tons of ratings and great the networks are happy and hell even the big providers would never rip tucker’s show almost no matter what he says because of it. So, to attack that, you gotta attack this feedback loop - tucker’s team, and others like him out there, I believe they sniff around like I do to get a bellweather for what people are most riled about or hateful about and then just jack the absolute shit out of it. Like a plague of locusts devouring hatred, they eagerly want to move on to the next thing - this is where saboteurs come into play, which I believe strongly is driven by US enemies, whoever they may be (probably russian honestly), who inject social media with stuff that they believe will press on those buttons, tucker et al pick it up, and this is kind of how you start to see this hive mind behavior.

Trump, almost certainly, is just reacting to whatever the thing of the day is just like the rest of them.

I know someone’s gonna be all snotty like “you’re overthinking it they just spew hate.” nah. I wish I could explain what I’ve seen out there. I don’t catalogue it well, I just observe it, and I think I subject myself to far more of this drivel than many of you, and they absolutely use very subtle cues and code words and topics that I basically only start to see originate first online in my sketchier groups and on telegram/discord.

So, this is kind of doing the same thing but in another way. My hope is if this style of trolling took off or was successful that it’d get people riled the OTHER way enough to start ripping these people off networks (less demand, less $$$, bad for brand, etc., eg “cancelled”), and then you have removed a major propaganda mouthpiece. sure another will take its place, but until you deal with THAT problem, all of this is hopeless.

So, if you can inject and overwhelm this meme-o-sphere or whatever you want to call it, that this shit seems to originate in, then you may also be able to confuse and ridiculize them enough to make them less effective, even when they’re not off the air - because everyone, and i mean EVERYONE has a line they draw where they go “ok, this is way too far.” I’ve seen it a lot. But then there’s like 20% of people that will never ever hit this line or realize it for whatever reason it may be, or maybe their line is just “well I’ll start a violent seditious revolution but I’d NEVER assassinate the president!” and those are the people that become terrorists (which is a deep worry of mine).

FTR I am aware this topic is very weird and feel free to move it to the dark art thread, probably more appropriate there.

The future is so fucking dumb that we are doing actual warfare with memes. Ugh.


I think it would be kind of interesting to see what they would say without the group-think influence. Like, give them a list of issues that are fairly obscure, and list the “liberal” vs. “conservative” view, and then ask them which one they most agree with. Would they be able to pick the conservative line 100% of the time, or something less?

The problem is that they don’t really think of broad policies as being good or bad. On a lot of topics their views aren’t really formed by “government should or should not do X”, their beliefs actually take the form of “X should be available to my in-group and should not be available to Those People”. It’s pointless to ask them if they think, say, government subsidized health care is good or bad. When push comes to shove, they basically take the position that it doesn’t really matter if health care is provided by the government or private companies, what they care about is that whatever delivery channel is used for health care they want the Right People to get the health care.


Yeah. I’m thinking of things like the IRS hiring plan. They know they’re supposed to be against it because they’ve been told to be against it. But without that, they may think it’s an okay idea to try to make sure we all pay the tax we owe for the sake of “fairness” which they so fervently claim they desire.

Their idea of fairness isn’t your idea of fairness. They use “fairness” as a code word for “I don’t want the system (public or private) to provide things to people that I don’t personally think deserve them”. Conservative “fairness” is about entrenching and doubling down on structural inequalities that favor them, it’s basically the opposite of what fairness means in typical usage.


I’ve definitely reminded my kids on more than one occasion to be very careful with what they read on the internet. My son loves conspiracy theories, but fortunately, it’s for the humor and “who believes this shit” value.

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Im quick to nip that shit in the bud asap. My kid used some shitty MRA talking point about a year and a half ago that he got from some youtube channel. I checked it out and it was garbage one of his discord friends sent him. Sat him down and explained why it was garbage and what these MRA guys are all about.

Ugggh its like whack a mole with these parasites.


Btw, one of the most important tools to give to your kids is how to find a primary source for people’s claims. I’ve been teaching him from a young age that when somebody claims something, find out where it came from and go back to that and see if it says what it really says. And if the source that the claim comes from is a bad source, go back to where THEY got their source and investigate that until you get to the original source.

This should be done with both sides. I have been guilty of posting shit here before checking the sources but I’ve been working on it, because outlandish claims require substantial proof.



After the dramatic exit of Paxton’s top staff in 2020, those brought into senior roles included a California attorney who donated $10,000 to help Paxton fight his 2015 securities fraud indictment and Tom Kelly Gleason, a former ice cream company owner whose father gave $50,000 to the attorney general’s legal defense fund.

Gleason was fired less than two months into his new job as a law enforcement adviser. Paxton’s office has not disclosed why, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Gleason included child pornography in a work presentation at the agency’s Austin headquarters.

The people said Gleason displayed the video — which one of them described as showing a man raping a small child — in a misguided effort to underscore agency investigators difficult work. It was met with outrage and caused the meeting to quickly dissolve.


How can someone be under indictment for over 7 years?

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Corruption, incompetence or both.

“We should stand up to them sooner rather than later, because later we’re going to support them.”


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Was Favre personally benefiting from all this volleyball corruption shit or is he is just a moron?



Gentlemen of the fictitious Japanese town of Titipu are gathered (“If you want to know who we are”). A handsome but poor minstrel, Nanki-Poo, arrives and introduces himself (“A wand’ring minstrel I”). He inquires about his beloved, a schoolgirl called Yum-Yum, who is a ward of Ko-Ko (formerly a cheap tailor). One of the gentlemen, Pish-Tush, explains that when the Mikado decreed that flirting was a capital crime, the Titipu authorities frustrated the decree by appointing Ko-Ko, a prisoner condemned to death for flirting, to the post of Lord High Executioner (“Our great Mikado, virtuous man”). As Ko-Ko was the next prisoner scheduled to be decapitated, the town authorities reasoned that he could “not cut off another’s head until he cut his own off”, and since Ko-Ko was not likely to execute himself, no executions could take place.

I remember this one, that was the best Pui Pui Molcar episode of all time.