GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

If one half of a couple gets into really good shape its probably a bad omen for the relationship, but also lol crossfit.

the other man, Justin Tway, said: ‘I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good.’

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Yeah it’s a double-edged sword. If your wife does crossfit she will likely get hotter. Also more likely to cheat. I haven’t come across any cheating wives in that scenario, but several cheating girlfriends (and boyfriends). And in one case the couple even did crossfit together!


Ugly feet and all. Baffling.


Verb/proper noun

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I can tell by the way this fucknutt wears his hat on indoors with just a t-shirt that he is a serious military bro and not just some poser who plays a lot of Call of Duty.

Looks like a Josh Brolin pic with the hat and t-shirt stuff edited on.


I found a group that churns these out. It’s really incredible. That was one of the better seemingly sincere ones I have found. It’s seriously a masterpiece. I think it was originally made as a joke but got reposted as sincere and that like, was the entire intent of creating it. It is clearly edited, you can tell. It is difficult due to the nature of this group the level of sincerity going on in the posting til you investigate their past history a bit. The admins and the mods are all clearly in on the joke - they frequently rename the group titles like “christians against buzz lightyear” that will get christians really riled up, and they start absolutely losing their shit and posting the most batshit crap on the internet you can find. It’s also mixed in with people who know it’s a joke, but aren’t quite as deeply in on it, who berate said people and get trolled by them.

I love america.

It’s this really brilliant new form of trolling GOP/blowhard christians that I am in love with. You post stuff that to anyone with reasonable intelligence is utterly absurd to the point they think it isn’t serious, but throw in enough anger and hate topics into it subtly that gets dummies to lose their shit in ways that make them look absolutely horrible and/or RIDICULOUSLY stupid.

It is the new strategy in the Dark Arts and probably owes a weird and long post about it. It’s basically a weaponization of Poe’s law.

Isn’t that kind of how 4chan works?

Yes but they use it to recruit and groom young boys and men to committing horrible crimes and/or spreading and buying into far-right wing hate philosophy. I strongly believe this is an overseas online campaign, based on what I have seen out there.

This intent is to expose how ridiculously hateful and stupid the people that are literally taking rights away from everyone else are, like in such an insane way that I’m pretty sure these people would start losing jobs and shit. It’s insane. I don’t mess with that stuff or take it into RL, but some people out there will for sure and it’s quite startling what I see posted. They’re also catching themselves facebook bans for it which is HILARIOUS because you can do stuff like post a vaguely racist thing in there and they think it’s a safe place for them to go batshit ham hard n word stuff. So it’s also thinning out the herd of deplorables on facebook, who are basically viruses who eat up and propagate this shit like it’s meth and heroin all combined into one, and then they replicate like viruses.

It also doesn’t draw the ire of facebook because you’re driving “good” engagement. It is an absolutely brilliant strategy.

Someone should build a database of people who are caught being racist on Facebook. I want to be able to look people up by name when they are accused of a crime that might be racially motivated.

Facebook probably has this but they just use it to refine their ad targeting


I’m thinking more of something along the lines of people narcing on racists and submitting their personal information to something that tracks racists.

I am strongly against this. this encourages them to go into hiding again and nothing changes. I am more interested in a cultural revolution.

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We need some way of compiling an enemies list that goes beyond politicians and other public figures.

I do not see them as enemies, they are hapless victims, no more than a zombie is really my “enemy” in a video game, it doesn’t even know what it is doing or is under some alien mind control. Most of them really are too stupid or hateful to really help themselves and are just mashing buttons that gives them that feel good they get from tucker and the like (who’s show is absolutely shocking these days, and I am hard to shock).

I think lots of people have long held hope that these people are savable. I do kind of believe that not all of them started out like this and then they just all of a sudden all become seditious violent racist x-phobes. Like, that shit was stirred in a cauldron for 3 decades now and is being unleashed full force.

For the record I do not think they can be converted or saved. So just mitigate their harm til covid finishes a lot of them, honestly. I could see the zoomer generation or hell even millennials spiking hard to the right. Millennials got spared a bit because they weren’t 24/7 exposed to it from a young age.

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