GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

If they need some green tea extract pills for the survivors, he can hook them up for just $19.99 a week. Don’t delay, order today!


Lolol. Hes trying so hard to be a big boy politician. I was monitoring the I-81 incident as well, and have exactly as much power to do anything useful about it as Mehmet has.

We were driving across the mountains between PIT and PHL Sunday and Monday including 70+ miles on routes 22 and 30. Those squalls and visibility were no effng joke. We split the driving and were both pretty stressed at the end.


Every insane thing is converging into one.



onion making babylon bee jokes would just be :exploding_head: and chef’s kiss rolled into one.

Economically this seems like non starter. Putting kids in charter schools vs government err I mean public schools seems possible because it’s still someone trained to teach a bunch of kids, but having parents teach their own kids, at scale, won’t work.

@elonmusk, buy Twitter and fix this!

Sure, why wouldn’t he spend 1/6th his net worth to make Twitter safe for freeze peach.

We found the line.

Do you think Tesla rigorously adheres to the principles of free speech when its employees want to discuss unionizing?


Glad you got home safely. Agree the squalls were no joke. Mehmet is a joke though, acting as if him monitoring the situation matters one iota.

Omg the commercials here. He and McCormick are just trolling each other hard as fake right wingers.

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He actually said he is considering this.

The “Hollywood liberal” attack ad is amazing. Republican marketing just gets more and more absurd each cycle.

Guillotine prices skyrocketing.

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No idea what a key bump is

Imagine how fucked up you have to be to invite Madison Cawthorn to the cocaine party


Always fun when one of the richest people in your country doesnt understand the first amendment to your country’s constiution.

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Something to do with cocaine right? I know that a bump is snorting a line. Never heard key bump before though