GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I don’t think it necessarily means that they have to get exploited.

My town is having trouble filling reasonably well paid jobs.

It’s definitely problematic to frame this as somehow “good.”

Jerry DeLemus spent 7 years in prison after pleading guilty about his doings with the Bundy’s.

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Not that it matters, but afaict they weren’t even in the US illegally.

The newshour did a pretty good story on this last week. Texas and Arizona have been doing it for several months, Florida is just getting in on it recently afaict.

I thought this was noteworthy, it’s one thing to “send a message” (Ducey) but Abbot seems to want to be needlessly cruel:

Arizona officials, we’re told, contracted with a company that sends ahead bus manifests with detailed passenger information and updated arrival times, so receiving groups can prepare.

Texas officials, organizers say, send no notification and no information about when buses will arrive, how many or who’s on them.

Possible silver lining:

Perhaps an unintended consequence of Abbott’s busing of migrants may be easing their asylum pathway. Data from Syracuse University shows that, in the last 10 months, judges in Houston approved only 17 percent of asylum seekers, in Dallas, only 33 percent.

But in the same time period, New York courts have approved over 80 percent of asylum relief applications.

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George Will was on CNN saying Ducey was an old-timey Republican that would help the party to “regain its voice.” GFY George.

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Every accusation is a confession

From a few months ago:

Result: Guy dropped out and is on track to go to trial. His victim won Tuesday


I mean a lot of us came to the conclusion that this should be a crime and ok, a lawyer says it is a crime, but until somebody goes to jail, is it really?

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They should raise wages until the get applicants that they like.

Ok, good but still lol official plea to DOJ.


I’m sure DeSantis and Abbott are shaking in their boots.

The law is clear. No person may knowingly transport an undocumented person within the United States, and Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis just did.


“lengthy prison sentences”

These people are not in touch with reality

I generally agree with you, but since just about all jobs in my area start at >$20/hr and with such low unemployment, I think it’s more a matter of bodies than money at this point.

Is this lady mad because they’re vaccinating kids?

More likely they’re providing gender-affirming care to trans kids (aka “grooming”). Just a guess.