GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

It’s strange that there’s no legal response to this. Good if migrants and asylum seekers end up somewhere they’re at least temporarily safe and can get some help. Bad that Abbott doesn’t get charged with human trafficking.

ha! is prager u only for incels now?

This is the easiest “always has been” meme ever


Hey Abbott, don’t forget Philly, asshole!

He doesn’t even realize he’s doing liberals a favor, does he? We like immigrants and welcome them and he’s paying to help them get to our cities!

Unemployment is low, there’s a labor shortage, and he’s paying to bus immigrants who want jobs to liberal cities? Sounds awesome to me.

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This article has some more detail:

A great example of conservative hatred, and the very semi-fascism conservatives are squealing about.

$12 million for about 10,000 migrants to be bussed is also…surprisingly high.

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That’s the market price (via dodgy govt contract with 15 corrupt subcontractors each taking a slice) are you a communist or something?


This is the kind of situation where if journalists bothered to do journalism and not just act as Republican stenographers then they’d probably find something totally unsuspicious like Abbott’s wife’s brother owns the bus company of something.


Can’t say I’m a fan of this thought process.

Obviously it’s good to help out immigrants for a number of ethical reasons, but this line of thinking comes a little too close to “we need more desperate people to fill shitty low paying jobs” for my liking.

I know that’s not how you really feel, and it would be one thing to throw it in a right-wingers face (e.g. “I thought we had a labor shortage. How can Texas afford to send away people who want to work hard?”). But I don’t think we should use that argument here.

Bolt Bus $1???

worst person you know

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We’re a republic not a democracy
We’re a republic not a democracy
We’re a republic not a democracy
We’re a republic not a democracy
We’re a republic not a democracy


Regardless, I’m perfectly happy with him bussing immigrations to any place I’m living. I like diversity and I like good people. In my experience, most immigrants are good people who bring diversity to communities. It’s just extra nice given the labor situation. I mean, the point is he could have probably tricked liberal mayors into paying the cost of the busses and looking like heroes in the process if he wasn’t trying so hard to own the libs.

If he could send some Peruvian immigrants that want to open a restaurant to my town I’d be forever grateful.


I will fight you for them, I love Peruvian restaurants and they’re super rare. (Not just talking about chicken joints, like sit down restaurants.)

I really really like Peruvian food

Lomo saltado con tacu tacu please.


Peruvian chicken is so good. Extra fried yucca please.

Peru has a bunch of the top restaurants in the world, they are way over represented relative to population on the Michelin top 100 list.

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Indeed. Their food is basically a fusion of South American cuisines and Asian (especially Japanese) cuisine. When I am near Peruvian food I turn into Homer here:




The only person that has ever posted anything by Prager on my Facebook is female. Very curious what her thoughts on that article are. I’m sure it’s a bunch of self hating rationalization.

In case there was any question about the current trajectory of Roganism: