GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

ThAt WoUlD bE cOmMuNiSm

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Give him a chance to reconsider being a dick imo.

This is fucking nuts


Just more of their fascist bs. Oh the people want something on the ballot, fuck you they say.

I have my roots in MI, but damn if I can relate to my conservative family (all trumpers) at all. I had to have been the mailman’s kid.

A long term plan is to have a vacation home in the midwest to go along with my townhouse here in Las Vegas. But my gf’s family is in fucked up WI where weed isn’t legal and it’s gerrymandered to fuck.

MI is a legal state but not much better. At least the Big House is there.

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Red states doing this right before the midterms seems like it could be a mistake.

Michigan Supreme Court I think is going to overturn this and it will end up on the ballot.

And then when it passes they just refuse to do anything anyways?

This isn’t Alabama or Arkansas, the Executive Branch of MIchigan will execute the orders of the Judicial Branch.

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I see CARAVANS yonder on the horizon


A teacher in Oklahoma showed students how to set up access to the Brooklyn library to access books banned in Oklahoma. The governor recommended stripping her of her teachers license.

Democrats at least attempt to tie things to objective things like a person was fired for racism or insubordination or whatnot. Republicans might complain and say that that’s a smoke screen, but it’s wild that Republican office holders get to just say ‘she was spreading a liberal agenda’ and that’s treated as perfectly fine.

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(idk if this is real or not, it’s funny either way)

The liberal agenda here is - getting a library card? Wait till this guy hears about public parks.



The teacher who resigned that they are trying to ban from teaching in Ok

Pretty sad this tweet only has 12 likes


This thread is scary

Quite the progression\

I just tell them their kids deserve to be groomed.

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Interesting move for Texas to begin a policy of aiding undocumented immigrants on their journey to large, welcoming metropolises with plenty of community support and access to social services.

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