GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Maybe he works there


I’ve done three flights before for a couple of years. That was fine. Anything more but nope.



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As someone who’s been in good shape for many years but put on close to 25 lbs during the pandemic, I feel pretty confident in saying that the weight is very likely a part of it. The difference in mobility and nagging pain here and there is just effing huge (I’m 47 btw).

With caveats about your age and other health issues of course, but excess weight and inactivity is a huge driver in joint pain (knees, lower back being the usual culprits). There’s also a quality of life issue of course.

What is it when you post something after there has already been several pony jokes about it being posted?

Horse Pr0n

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pony was beaten by a dead horse

Echoes of an abandoned timeline?

Trip to the glue factory


most of that is swimming and steam room lol


Article includes a biography of Gohmert’s brand of insanity. It protrays him as a pioneer of the conspiracy mongering GOP, he cosponsored a Birther bill. His political career is over because he came dead last in the Texas AG primary

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Fare thee well, dumbass.

Article fails to mention this chestnut:


That might be the most believable onion headline ever.

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Conservatives on Twitter seem obsessed with Brian Stelter’s show getting canceled. I had previously never heard of him. Heavy “Libs aren’t talking about Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie because they are terrified!” energy.

Stelter’s show was great, so is his newsletter. He went pretty hard against Fox on a weekly basis.

Random Stelter commentary.

Former Star Wars star Gina Carano is set to play a secret service agent whose hair is sniffed by Joe Biden in a new biopic .

Distributed by the controversial far-right media organisation Breitbart News, the film, entitled My Son Hunter , focuses on the US President’s son, Hunter Biden, played by Laurence Fox.

Carano plays a secret service agent tasked with working in close proximity with Biden, while John James ( Dynasty ) plays Biden himself.

The teaser asks viewers to “witness the sensational, bombshell, unbelievable, scandalous, corrupt, censored, shocking true story” of the Bidens’ lives.

Despite this claim, the film is expected to deviate significantly from confirmed fact.
