GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

For anybody that cares and has A LOT of time on their hands, youre in for a treat.

Jordan frow Knowledge Fight is live tweeting the Alex Jones trial and its fucking glorious

If you chdck it out it starts on Monday 7/25


Worked through the tweets which seems pretty hilarious. Then found a link to the live stream of the district court proceedings. Wow, just some pretty insane stuff.

I think these are like his sixth or seventh lawyers and they are fucking atrocious

ah thanks for linking this, Bergmann is a grade-A nutbag, she runs against Steve Cohen every single year for district 9 and never gets more than 20%, just one of those perennial punching bags. I looked her up in ballotpedia, and was surprised to see that another one of these perennial losers, George Flynn, has moved from district 8 to 9 and is running as an independent instead of in the GOP primary (flynn’s last drubbing was in the 2020 senate race where he got a whopping 3% in the GOP primary).

Following up on a previous post about the ridiculousness of the new Florida teaching certificate requirements

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Great tweet(s)

She’s asking questions at least?

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Did this employee of AJ just say she is paid over 500k a year?

Snopes says no.

Minimum of 60 college credits with a 2.5 grade point average

Spouses not eligible.

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What the fuck does being a veteran have to do with teaching?

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I’d make a joke about school shootings but it would be in bad taste and I’d feel bad for the rest of the day, so I won’t.


If you like his tweets, check out Knowledge Fight


I think they updated the guidelines to be more clear on the website and this must be a fake. Spouses are only eligible for fee waivers. My bad

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gotta probably fact check on this one still because god blog has been really hopium lately, but SMITE

absolutely hilarious, I hadn’t heard verizon pulled them. this is effectively the end of the network

Mat Sklansky, come on down.

Hot take: I’m not willing to completely buy in on the “don’t judge people by their looks” thing just yet when I can still pick out the Nazi kid rapers 9/10 times.

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