GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Jesus Christ

Is there a single prominent American government with a worldview that is more adjacent to CRT narratives than Clarence Thomas?

Doesnā€™t he more or less believe that white America is so incapable of accepting blacks that integration/inclusivity etc should be rejected as goals?

Oy vey


Your boss can force you to buy things, itā€™s the most American thing ever.

What do these boycott bans mean in real life? Like obviously they canā€™t check your credit cards and force you to buy guns. So is it just about coming out publicly in favor for guns on boycotts?

This is not that surprising. To most republicans right wing authoritarianism obtained illegally and undemocratically >>> anything liberal.


How the fuck does this pass any muster. And itā€™s both fucking parties pushing this shit.

The ruling by a Trump appointee who received a ā€œnot qualifiedā€ ABA rating

And there are really 5 true believers on the court. Jfc.

Because most regular people just donā€™t give a shit, so the courts can get away with whatever they want - which is corporate cronyism.

Any judge that approves of this, is by definition not qualified.

This is their standard line. Bill Barr said the exact same thing.

Iā€™d vote for any Democrat over the best Republican. Criticism here isnā€™t a particularly damaging line of attack.

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Thatā€™s reasonable in the abstract.

The problem is that their really isnā€™t a test case where you have a Dem who did all sorts of crimes including an attempted coup who is up for election. Once you actually have a concrete person to put in the ā€œany Democratā€ and ā€œbest Republicanā€ slots, it can become less reasonable.

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Iā€™d vote for Eric Massa or John Conyers over Liz Cheney or Lisa Murkowski.

I had to look up their crimes, but they not even in the same league. Trump almost certainly did way more sexual misconduct and so much more on top of that.

Would you vote Avenatti over Kinzinger?