GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Was not expecting to see the term “internal genitalia evaluation” today.

I’m on team report every MAGA’s kid for examination.

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The sports teams would just say no. This rule is for others. Not their kids. They dont need consistency

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This. The “Disney is grooming, teachers are pedophiles” people are going to simultaneously be the “check that kids genitals” people. Lack of consistency is a central pillar of maga assholes.

The statute allows you to sue personally if they don’t comply. I guess courts could just tell you to fuck off, but you might have a shot with a true believer judge.

Its asymmetric warfare. They are willing to put in good time, effort and money to be cruel to kids. The good guys arent (for good reason)

The consistency is all a matter of perspective. They consistently dream up oppressive rules to be imposed on others, but they expect total freedom for themselves. Is that “inconsistent”? Not really if you think that double standards are Actually Good then there’s no inconsistency.


This mindset is why eDems won’t get rid of the filibuster, having lines they won’t cross instead of fighting a total political war.

I advocate tit-for-tat cruelty towards Republican kids.



6.022*10^23 :heart:s


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As a matter of fact it’s exactly like Kristallnacht as any Holocaust survivor would surely corroborate

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But it’s the good kind of Kristalnacht.

“Rapper Kanye West’s presidential dreams crashed and burned in 2020 after the Grammy Award-winning artist failed to qualify for most states’ ballots and earned just north of 66,000 votes.”

Woulda thought Kanye could garner at least 500k votes.

“West’s campaign acknowledged in a letter to the Federal Election Commission that someone with access to the campaign’s bank account, but not affiliated with the campaign itself, stole $3,999 in campaign funds to pay off credit card bills.”

“The Kanye 2020 campaign still had $392,000 in cash on hand as of March 31, according to FEC records.”

I’m sure the legal reps. can eventually find a way to bill $392k on the matter.

I don’t trust someone who must clearly be a porn actor says about politics.

Oh… no? The horror???


When is this dude up for a primary? It’s hard to imagine him surviving a primary challenge.