GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

that shit is kinda scary. like the massive veil of secrecy of the people working there, clearly shows that the people in charge aren’t entirely sure of the morality/legality of what’s involved. plus the numbers they need to convince to vote against their own interests aren’t that big, and the republicans are masters of getting people to vote against their own interests.

I don’t know about the veil of secrecy being indicative of morality or legality as much as the RNC probably has a free standing rule that no one talk to the press except for when the RNC wants. I would think the legality would be more of an issue than morality. The morality doesn’t seem as bad. Providing services in exchange for votes isn’t bad, though doing so directly is a great place for corruption to happen. Legally I’ve got to think there are some rules about what political parties can spend their money on to avoid a Tammany Hall situation.

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They’re standing-by room only



Yeah the backstory is that this was done because the government wanted to privatise the national telco and they needed the vote of this million year old fossil in the Senate called Brian Harradine. The anti internet porn stuff was a bribe to buy his vote, so nobody cared that it didn’t work.

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I don’t get it

a wealthy white guy got away with beating up his girlfriend. house judiciary gop is celebrating, naturally. it’s a big victory for their movement


Getting a healthy dose of KS political commercials this week. You’d think Kansas was a liberal commie state run amok by the ads against incumbents.

Also Kansas has explicitly allowed, even encouraged painful dismemberment abortions, and will soon become a national destination for taxpayer-funded abortions when Roe goes down - unless a state amendment is passed.

this was their vietnam.


Black girl tearing it up out there? Sorry hon, gotta stop you right there. Drop trow and prepare to get fingered.

DeSantis is a real piece of work

I would compile a list of school age children of Ohio state legislators who voted for this and see how they like it if parents call for genital checks of their children.


The assholes really are running amok.

I’m in no way defending this and I read it pretty quick. But it sounds like a letter from the kid’s pediatrician saying X is a girl would suffice.

Also it looks like genital check is not required. It could be based on chromosomes or testosterone levels. But I’m not clear if this is an AND or an OR situation.

To reiterate, this proposed law is indefensible. I’m just trying to get to the bottom of what it actually says, mostly out of morbid curiosity.

the well ackshully stuff is really tired. Even if you are correct, many won’t be able to pay out of pocket for unnecessary testosterone levels or chromosomal analysis.

I don’t know how much clearer I could make it that I think this law is absolutely terrible. There’s no “well ackshully” here. I am just trying to determine how fucked up it is. Why is it so hard for you to read, man.

As far as the other stuff, the bill says that you can use

  1. Genital exam
  2. T levels
  3. Chromosomes

I can’t tell if it is any of the 3 or all of the 3. If you know, that would be great. If it’s the former, your comment doesn’t apply.

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Yeah you’re clearly missing the point. Even if it’s any of the 3 it’s going to be just #1. Again, very few people are going to be able to, or want to, pay out of pocket uncovered costs of testosterone and chromosomal analysis.

Thanks, captain obvious.

I just want to know what it actually says. Is it AND or OR?

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