GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

I busted out laughing pretty hard at “coding is a brutal 24/7 job”. Yeah dude you are manning the barricades, you are the Spartan Warriors of the modern age. Fuck off.


The Hunter Biden laptop is authentic and contains images of him smoking crack and fucking prostitutes. There is nothing fake about that. Apparently he has a pretty big dick.

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I agree with this but I think it’s worth noting that mental exhaustion is a real thing and can be tough. Back when I used to work a job I didn’t want to do puzzle hunts or board gaming or the other mental things my friends wanted to do because after programming for 8 hours I was sick of thinking. I totally agree that dealing with human problems sounds way harder for me, but if you put a warm-hearted people-person type in a programming job they would have a nervous breakdown, because having to do logical reasoning 8 hours a day is as unthinkable to them as dealing with abused kids is for me. I think both kinds of work should be respected.


They’re definitely sending her to jail

They’re putting everyone is jail

after 9-months maternity leave, they come back obsolete & outdated


NINE MONTHS maternity leave?


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he’s also shilling a super-shady cryptocurrency, he’s 100% trolling to induce “engagement” so he can grift

I sort of doubt it, Hillary is sort of like the GOP’s version of “omg roe is in danger, you rubes better donate a bunch of money to save it” - they had their chance in 2017 and they passed because they need a boogeyman.

on the other hand, once Glorious Leader Trump suspends the constitution, fundraising is less of a concern, so yeah, she’s probably the first one rounded up.

is there anything about the laptop contents that incriminates joe biden?

The provenance is so suspect that anyone trying to parse what’s real and what’s not is full of shit. Not defending Hunter, just not don’t think there is anything there that could be used in a legal proceeding.

Didn’t after the election Trump say something like “the Clintons are good people” or something? He basically admitted the whole lock her up thing was just an election tactic. I know at least one Trumper who was all gung ho about going after her after the election. They of course didnt know it was all kayfabe like Trump did. It of course didnt shake their support for him at all.

But a lot of jobs are like this. Trying to make it sound like coding is unique in this way is asinine. Accounting during quarter end or year end close can be super stressful and add an extra 10-20 hours to your week during those times, but no accountant is going to run with “oh woe is me my job is soooooooooo hard that a woman totally couldnt do it.”

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added to your post.


I would love to see these Tough Guy Coders try a nurse’s shift.


My job is a joke, I “work” 25 hours a week, all from home, am a college dropout, and they pay me over 200k


Maybe if they had NIL in Doug’s day he wouldn’t have had to steal so many credit cards.


Nick got me into my first underground poker game back in college. He’s a good dude, super intelligent, and extremely talented. He’s always been in the right place on these issues.

Gottlieb better hope there’s not a feud, cause he doesn’t want that smoke. In an on-air or Twitter argument, Nick could dunk on him in his sleep.

How did Nick become a Chiefs fan?