GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.


Still backing Zelensky.


Churchill would have the pros and cons of fighting drunk.

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Does that explain his bad posts?


It’s almost as if this isn’t about what he’s wearing!


In fact. Looking back at these photos.

If I ever get a time machine. High up the priority list is going back and punching young churchill in his smug face.

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Story checks out.

Suits just suck. The instant people stop wearing them the world will be a far better, far less classist place. Agree with PVN though that zelenskyy look isn’t rebelling but just marketing


I don’t know, when I put on a suit my wife gets all melty. Worth it, IMO.


Suits are fine. Having to wear one every day for work is usually dumb, but all clothing is a costume and there’s nothing wrong with getting dressed up once in awhile.

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In the Journal survey, a large share of Republicans—some 61%—said discrimination is a problem for Christians in America

“People of faith are now the ones being discriminated against,” said Ted Kissel, 76 years old, a poll participant who believes Christians face increasing prejudice. “There doesn’t seem to be any space in the public square for anybody of faith. I’m not one to wear my religion on my sleeve, but it feels to me as if they’re coming after us,” he said.

Vince 4:>

Jim Wolverton, a poll respondent who lives in a suburb of Jackson, Miss., said he felt more prejudice directed at people like himself in recent years. “I do believe that white males in this country, there’s more prejudice against them than any other group,” he said. “I believe that we are being framed to be the creator of most of society’s ills.”



Also lots of comments about how conservative radio host only gets called from conservative grandparents.

Not letting your racist parents see your kids: abuse.
Disowning a kid because they’re trans/gay: what the Lord intended.

Come to think of it, I’ve never heard of a gay couple kicking a kid out for being straight.

The fucking around generation really does not enjoy even the faintest finding out.

Poll on banning or refusing to see right-wing relatives
  • I personally have banned or refuse to see close right-wing relatives for what they might say are “political views”
  • I have not done this, but I know people who have
  • I don’t know anyone who has banned or refused to see family members for what they might say are “political views”

0 voters

I know a ton of people who are annoyed with family members, but none who have actually banned them or refused to ever let their kids see their grandparents.

Seems like in 99.9% of cases, the grandparents know to just shut the hell up around the grandkids, and everyone grits their teeth and gets through it. And if not, there’s probably a lot more with the grandparents than just abhorrent political views.

I answered “banned or refused to see” because I have one relative who cannot shut the fuck up about their shitty political beliefs. It’s a younger male relative who has drifted into anti-vaxx, anti-Trudeau nonsense. Presumably as a way to cope with his failure to launch into adulthood, he stumbled through high school complaining nonstop that his teachers were all stupid morons and now he’s approaching age 20 and lives with his mom and works at Denny’s and has no future. This is all the fault of woke liberals.

Even though I voted “banned or refused to see”, it’s not really true. I offered numerous times to sit down with him and set aside politics and talk about making an action plan to go to school and get a better job, teach him the basics of personal finance (his mom is an absolute financial disaster), I even offered to pay for his post secondary education and set him up in an apartment if he would work with me to make a budget and a 5 year plan to take control of his life. But nope, I’m just mean because I’m suggesting that the way out of his funk is hard work. You can’t help people that won’t help themselves.


My nephew is your relative?

My brother was a bit like this until around 27, through more from ADD and less of an asshole. He finally got it together after my mom gave him 100 chances and paid for his community college and state university tuition. He was also stabilized by a manual labor job and an early marriage.

I told him he needs to have a serious talk with my nephew. He said there’s been multiple serious talks. That said, Nephew doesn’t talk about politics because I’d school him. He did once make a sarcastic, “Orange man bad” comment when I was ranting about some insane Trump legal case.

Something about the internet/social media is like fertilizer for loserdom.

My grandfather never saw his great granddaughter because of his dumbass point of view on Covid vaccines, so I think that counts

Answered the same, it’s my broke stepdad and my mother died 9 years ago and I would see him once a year or so since. He went down the facebook rabbit hole and would occasionally repost some mildly racist stuff that turned into anti vax crap and anti trudeau stuff as well. Even posted some anti Ukraine stuff once too. Haven’t seen him since Covid started instead of the usual once a year.