Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

What the FUCK! Jesus Fuck. That kid needs a god damn child seat.

Yeah, probably, but even if you’re not such an Alan Alda heartbleeder, whatever happened at school maybe her parents need to be called, I dunno, but there’s no police call and handcuffs under any circumstances. Like under no imaginable circumstances. Worst case is parents, doctors, hospital.

The story is bad, but the psychopathy of the arresting police office shouldn’t be understated

After Kaia was placed in a police SUV to be taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center, Officer Turner returned to the school s office and spoke to administrators, who were concerned about Kaia. He downplayed the juvenile detention center, saying it’s “not like you think.”

He told them he had arrested 6,000 people in his career — the youngest, to that point, was 7. When school employees told him Kaia was 6, not 8 like he thought, he did not seem concerned.

“Now she has broken the record,” he said.

I get that jobs have a certain detachment to them, but you probably shouldn’t be bragging to anyone, at anytime for arresting a 6 year old.

I watched the whole thing. I don’t even want to say what I want done to the cop and anyone at the juvenile facility who didn’t tell him to fuck off and the people in the office and everyone in…double checking…yeah…Florida.

My uncle’s a cop and I definitely noticed a slow trend towards sociopathy the longer he worked the streets. It’s a survival trait for people who honestly have to deal with the lowest scumbags in society.

This guy is not that. He arrests kids and gets enjoyment/fulfillment from it. He’s a petty, sadistic douchebag.

An anarchist point here, part of the problem is that people so easily pass responsibility off to the authorities - and absolve themselves of it. Law and Order creates more chaos because it fosters a world in which 99% of the people are not only afraid to be responsible for other people, they think it’s actually wrong and that they should let the proper authorities handle it. In a better world it would be impossible to imagine calling the police on a 6 year old or any other situation where the people closest to the problem can easily handle it.

I think einbert’s group is Maoist. 6ix may know.

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Before you go full einbert though – Orwell, Kropotkin, Rucker, Bakunin, Chomsky, Stirner, Thoreau more than Marx, Lenin and Mao?

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Every word by Orwell is a good one. It’s all at

I’ve yet to get past chapter 4 of Capital (though I’ve heard it gets better later).

I will keep Parenti in mind if I go on another binge in that direction. At the moment all my spare thinking is going towards react/python.


Absolutely sickening

Is this the right thread for posts like this? I don’t even know anymore for things not Trump or COVID related.

Unarmed man shot by 4 SWAT officers. Obviously no body cams, because of course. The Tolland County State’s Attorney has been assigned to review. Let’s see if this one can get investigated in fewer than 10 years (seriously- late last year it was reported that the Hartford County State’s Attorney had 5 police shooting investigations still open from ‘08-‘09).


I saw the video of this today and it’s sickening. The cop stands with his knee on the back of the guys kneel using his weight to hold him down. Guy says he can’t breathe and you see him lose consciousness. The bystanders plead with the cops to check if there’s a pulse and at least take the knee off of him while the cops just stare at them not doing much except killing the guy for the couple minutes there. It’s extremely disgusting and rage inducing, do not recommend watching it

Words cannot express how disgusted I am with this city. Fire the chief of police, again, and this guy should go to jail. City is going to be a shitshow for a month plus.

Abolish the police.



Cmon though