Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Last I heard, he’s alive after being treated at a hospital and is facing multiple charges including aggravated battery to a police officer (a felony), and resisting arrest. Apparently he was stopped for the crime of carrying open alcohol

They went into a duplex armed with sub machine guns and flash-grenades. Dude was shot 59 times.

Hmm… :thinking: I don’t remember hearing a peep out of the anti gun crowd over this

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Wow, that easily could have been fatal. The back of the victim’s head hit the curb with almost no mitigation. That his shoulder blades happened to touch at the same time might be the only thing that saved him. Even so, I would think the guy has permanent brain damage now.

Coral Gables cops JFC. Just shoot everyone in the area while you at it.

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The Harris tweet is bad but it is compounded by the tweet she is replying to.

Parents of people murdered by police are dying of heartache left and right. It is absolutely devestating. Senseless murder of one’s child by alleged community protectors has to be about as bad as the human experience gets.

Shouldn’t police be trained to identify seizures?

So absurd. A judge should treble the punishment for someone who cries about getting caught planting drugs.

Yeah planting drugs on people should be a 20+ year mandatory minimum. Framing an innocent person period should be. That’s not a small thing to do. Easily in the same league as kidnapping someone and keeping them as a sex slave for a few years. Don’t @ me… the rape rates in most prisons are crazy high and there are plenty of states where you’re getting 10+ years in inhuman conditions for drugs… and on release you’re a second class citizen.

The sentence should be twice the maximum sentence for whatever the dirty cop is trying to frame them for, with twice the mandatory minimum.


More. The abuse of the public trust is a significant issue.

i mean IAAL, but shouldn’t all falsifying evidence to obtain arrests be considered kidnappings and charged as such… that is essentially what they are doing. they are kidnapping someone through using false pretenses.

Seems like the sexual assault rate for men in prison is something like 10-20%, which can fairly be called “crazy high”. But think on this: it’s lower than the rate for women not in prison.

That’s the reported rape rate in prison… if you think more than 10% of the rapes in prison are reported I have a bridge to sell you. Absolutely agreed that that’s a significant issue with women’s rape rates as well.

Somehow I doubt that we disagree about the level of punishment cops who plant evidence should receive. I think it should be absolutely absurdly draconian. You probably do as well. I’m in favor of the same treatment for men who kidnap people and keep them as sex slaves ldo. There is a point where making comparisons between things is silly… It’s kind of like how once water is more than 5 feet over your head whether it has waves or not is way more important than how deep it is. It’s just not that important.

I absolutely consider a cop that plants evidence on people to be as big of a threat to the public as a man who kidnaps people. The cop might do more damage, because I can’t recall any stories about some dude kidnapping 200+ people, but there are definitely cops who framed 200+ people with serious felonies.

I’m generally not into draconian punishments, but I think the comparison of planting evidence, false arrest or other abuses of authority that lead to people going to prison with kidnapping is absolutely justified.

And I have no idea how many people are raped in prison, but the person I know well enough to know if he’s FOS and spent 5 years in prison (federal - but not some kind of country club prison for white collar crimes) said it seemed to be pretty rare where he was.

Yeah the level of funding/quality of prisons varies really widely. The guy who I used to know who would know did his time in a Texas state maximum security pen and came out with tons of Aryan prison tattoos (not it turns out anything that reflects your politics… being white in a maximum security prison is not a good time and you do what you gotta do, guy actually claimed to be half jewish)… he claimed it was either 0% likely to happen to you or 100% likely to happen to you based on a variety of factors. Overall very common in state prisons though.

Yeah I stand by comparing cops who plant evidence to kidnappers. It’s a very similar act IMO. Either way you’re destroying someones life by stealing them and locking them up. The rape isn’t even the point.

Dude I know who was in for 5 years worked with me. He is white, grew up poor (foster care/abuse) and part of the time in Oklahoma, little education and pretty hickish in general. Had people in prison trying to get him to be a White Power dude, but to his great credit, he’s fiercely anti-racist and did not join/has no tattoos.

The guy I knew went to a Mexican Mafia run prison in Texas for fifteen years. I don’t hold any of it against him tbh… and I say this as a half jewish dude who finds those guys super super scary.

The guy was 19 when he got into an argument with his girlfriend and kicked in her door. He was charged with burglary and got 15 years because he had a prior weed conviction he was on parole for. Guys probably back in because lord knows he was struggling to figure out how to make money when I knew him.