Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?



The MPD took a man’s life. In broad day light, with witnesses filming it. Imagine what they do when nobody is watching.

Every cop who was there had an opportunity to actually protect the victim or serve the community, but they didn’t.

What they will do is dutifully write in their incident report that the cop who killed that man was acting properly.


Wasn’t the Castile shooting in Minneapolis and also the shooting of the Australian woman there too? Wtf is going on in Minnesota.

Iirc, Castille shooting was in Falcon Heights(basically St. Paul) The Aussie woman was definitely in Minny.

I did a ride along with the MPD a few years back. Can confirm, it’s more than just a few bad apples.

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Four Minneapolis cops just got fired over this

Just got off the phone with my MPD connection. He said that two of the cops that were on the scene(not the main two in the video, those dudes are 10+ year vets), were barely out of the academy.

Aussie woman was also in south Minneapolis, not too far from where this recent one went down although the two neighborhoods are different


Imagine what happened before iphones.


You nailed it.

That’s why magaturds are so upset with Bill Gates. Everybody has a phone now due to Steve Jobs so racists can’t get away with what they used to bc everything is videod. Of course, Steve is dead so they’re picking on the Microsoft guy instead.

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That’s the thing about this one though. He knew people were filming, and clearly and deliberately killed the guy, knowing his buddies and the powerful unions will protect him.

The problem is systemic. In california a huge problem are the power of the police unions. Look at the beating death of kelly thomas. Ramos et. al clearly stated his intention to beat thomas to death - nothing, gets off completely free. These guys will be fired and have their careers destroyed but they are sacrificial lambs to the people in power.

I watch a lot of police confrontation/wrongdul death videos Like this and this is far and away the worst I’ve seen. Floyd is clearly unconscious and/or dead and the officer keeps kneeling on him until paramedics arrive. There’s only one reason to kneel on a person’s neck like that, and that is to kill.

I want to get my uncle’s take on this but am afraid what the answer will be.

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They are already going there.

But the fact that the murder victim is black is on the video. So very confusing.

Be curious to know what things one has to do to be murdered in that particular manner.

TMZ reporting:

09:54 PT – According to the detective’s testimony … Bryan told cops he heard Travis refer to Arbery as a “fing n**” after he shot him, while Ahmaud was on the ground and before police arrived at the scene.

I believe Bryan is the third guy who was filming. This puts a little kink in the argument that we can’t know the shooting was done by racists.

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Nothing happened to any officer.

@Trolly - not so sure other countries are that much better.


Don’t know if this case has been brought up here but seems like cop pulls over guy for speeding, guys car breaks down, cop calls tow truck, cop offers guy to sit in his patrol car (after patting him down), officer refuses to let guy leave squad car even though he was never under arrest, scuffle leads to officer shooting multiple times at guy, officer handcuffs guy after shooting.

Seems perfectly legitimate and reasonable. Audio and video should be available soon.

Wayne Jones was killed just over one year before the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown would once again draw national scrutiny to police shootings of black people in the United States. Seven years later, we are asked to decide whether it was clearly established that five officers could not shoot a man 22 times as he lay motionless on the ground. Although we recognize that our police officers are often asked to make split-second decisions, we expect them to do so with respect for the dignity and worth of black lives. Before the ink dried on this opinion, the FBI opened an investigation into yet another death of a black man at the hands of police, this time George Floyd in Minneapolis. This has to stop. To award qualified immunity at the summary judgment stage in this case would signal absolute immunity for fear-based use of deadly force, which we cannot accept. The district court’s grant of summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds is reversed, and the dismissal of that claim is hereby vacated.

Another murderous pig acquitted