Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

That was years ago. It’s an awful video. Do not watch.

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I still remember the video from when it happened and haven’t seen it since then

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Same. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s burned in my brain.

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Oh weird I just saw the date, I wonder why it just popped up in my news feed yesterday


That cop still gets $2500 a month pension lol

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Not your normal cop killing, but this one seems pretty damn fishy to me:

Gist is that wife of cop was found dead from heat after being locked for hours in the back of his cruiser. Of course, everyone just accepts that she must have climbed in to get something (leaving her phone on the porch) and accidentally locked herself in the back while her husband was inside sleeping the whole time.

However, this just doesn’t make sense. First, why would she ever go in the back of his cop car? Seems unlikely there would be anything in the back of the car she would need (and why would she leave her phone on the porch, who drops their phone to go in a car). Second, the timing is super suspicious. She was found at 5:30 pm and the cop claims he had been sleeping since returning from his shift that ended at midnight. Even if we assume he gets home and takes a few hours before going to sleep, no way he’s still sleeping into the afternoon, much less evening. They think she went in around one - which should be just a bit after he wakes up. He also only found her when his adult son came home and noticed his mother missing. Not saying he definitely killed her, but I’d put odds pretty high he locked her in there (maybe not to kill but just teach her a lesson) and then only bothered to go let her out when the son came home.

Anyone else and it would be investigated as a murder. Of course, since it’s a cop, the other cops investigating are treating it as an accident.

Yeah that’s weird. So the claim is she went in the back of the squad car and closed the door on herself while looking for something? Sounds very fishy

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So many cases you tend to forget about them. I did this one and it happened close to me.

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That’s good that he was indicted, but I’m going to stay with WAAF mode on getting a conviction out of that one.

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My only hope is the police chief and department came out pretty strong, very quickly, against their actions.

Please call me for jury duty.

Best you’re gonna do is hang the jury when the other 11 vote to acquit, though. Doubt you’re pulling a reverse Henry Fonda and getting them all to flip.

They always do, it seems, and then 2 years later cops are acquitted on all charges and by that time everyone’s forgotten and nobody cares.


Let me guess, the REAL villain here is that treacherous reporter?


Probably about to become more victim than villain. I’d probably consider emigrating if I was him.

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“As Montesquieu says: give power to a man and they will use it. The police have power. The uniform gives power. And they use it.”



Another perfect example why defunding the police is a crucial necessity

I have a idea. How about “disarming the police”?

If you’re too dangerous to confront they can take a picture of you and apply for “gun warrant.”

Gonna roll up on a cop and shoot them? NP, just have body* cameras rolling at all times.

Or maybe 10% of officers on patrol can have a gun, and you call the gun cop if he’s somehow needed. How many issues are solved by cops having guns? We need cops not cowboys.
