Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

ACAB, but I assume that running a sheriff’s department entails a fair amount of admin and management work. I wouldn’t say “LOL crying about 170K” without knowing the size of the department and her job responsibilities.



You should read the whole article but

Birchmore’s estate is suing three former Stoughton police officers for wrongful death in a complaint that accuses them of engaging in a “near decade long scheme of grooming and repeated assaults,” which culminated in her death.

They are Matthew G. Farwell, 38, a married former Stoughton police detective, patrolmen’s union president, and father that Birchmore met through the department’s youth program, as well as his twin brother, William, and Robert C. Devine, 52 a former deputy chief in Stoughton who previously led the department’s youth program. They resigned from the department in 2022 and deny the allegations in the civil suit.

The estate is also suing the Town of Stoughton for negligence, which it denies.

Before she died, Birchmore claimed the father of her unborn child was MatthewFarwell. Farwell denied he fathered a baby with Birchmore during a 2021 interview, State Police records show.

Last year, State Police Lieutenant John Fanning wrote in an affidavit filed in Stoughton District Court that investigators have looked into whether Farwell could be charged with aggravated statutory rape based on allegations that he began having sex with Birchmore when she was 15 and he was 27.

If true, those actions would be statutory rape; the age of consent in Massachusetts is 16. In court papers, Matthew Farwell has denied having sex with Birchmore when she was underage.

Birchmore participated in the Stoughton police youth program from the time she was 13 until she graduated from high school in 2015 and met the Farwell brothers and Devine in that setting.

In a decision in the wrongful death suit earlier this year, Superior Court Judge Brian A. Davis wrote that Devine and William Farwell had sex with Birchmore in their patrol cars when she was an adult. Davis cited an unredacted copy of the Stoughton police internal affairs report as a source.

Baden’s letter also raised other concerns about the investigation into Birchmore’s death.

While the state medical examiner found that Birchmore was pregnant when she died, the office “apparently did not send fetal tissue for DNA analysis to determine who the father was.”

State Police records show that investigators asked Farwell in 2021 to provide a DNA sample, but he declined.

Swabs from Birchmore’s body, hair and fingernail clippings, and clothing she was wearing were taken for a sexual assault kit. But Baden wrote in his report that it “appears” the evidence was not tested. He said he believes the kit and fetal tissue could still be examined.

Spokespeople for the Massachusetts State Police and state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, which helped to investigate Birchmore’s death, didn’t respond Friday to questions about Baden’s claims about the fetal tissue and sexual assault kit. They also declined to comment on Baden’s letter, citing ongoing investigations by several agencies.

On Monday, David Traub, a spokesperson for Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey, said “DNA testing has been done on items with the potential to produce evidence of the potential crimes being investigated, and other items have been preserved.” He declined to provide more details “while multiple agencies continue to investigate.”

On Feb. 1, 2021, surveillance cameras captured Matthew Farwell arriving and then leaving Birchmore’s apartment building in Canton, and he was the last known person to see her alive, according to the Stoughton police internal affairs report. Birchmore’s body was found there three days later.

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not sure where to put

5 isis-affiliated terrorists, 15 (or 17) russian cops. orthodox priest was a peice of work apparently, helping the ru military with recruitment for the war.

Uhhhhhhh wtf?

Yeah this should be a much bigger story

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Infuriating if you watch the video. The cops are called by the woman and proceed to shoot the woman the head in her own home.


But she had a pot of boiling water. She might have thrown it at them, so the cop had no choice.

To me the aftermath is almost worse than the shooting. The shooter is completely nonchalant about it - doesn’t care at all he just killed someone and doesn’t bother to provide medical care. The other cop clearly knows it’s wrong (and at least does tend to the victim); he’s visibly shaking, but still does nothing to report how wrong the shooting was.

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lol what could go wrong

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Do your thing, France


Seriously. You send a bunch of trigger happy fucks to a country where they can’t speak the language and let them carry guns while they “enforce the law”. I thought we were stupid, but this is way more idiotic and it’s not even close.


I have a feeling the elites in Paris and the LAPD will be very well aligned on which color of people the cops should shoot.

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Problem is that at least the elites in Paris care if bystanders who don’t meet that description get shot.

Chief Rod Covey was placed on administrative leave in June 2020 after the port launched an investigation of Covey. The investigation came after racial discrimination complaints

The port fired Covey in August 2021, a year after placing him on administrative leave. Covey sued the port in December 2022 for wrongful termination in violation of public policy.

The jury awarded Covey $1.7 million in economic damages due to his lost salary and benefits. The jury also awarded $22.5 million in noneconomic damages, as Covey’s attorneys argued he suffered post-traumatic stress disorder following the firing that affected personal relationships with friends and family.


That kid was traumatized and probably will never trust a cop again. On the bright side, I hope they enjoy the money these tyrants just cost the taxpayers

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Line for number of pedophiles in that police department is 1.5, and I’d take the over.

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At 1:15 a.m., Chris made the first call to 911, “specifically requesting an ambulance to take Victoria to Valley Hospital, where she had received treatment at its sister facility, Ramapo Mental Hospital, in the past,” the family said.

He was informed police would also accompany the ambulance because that is standard procedure for mental health calls.

After hearing both an ambulance and police were coming, Lee became agitated and picked up a pocketknife, refusing to go to the hospital, according to the Lee family.

Lee was not holding the knife as a weapon, the family argues.

She “was not, and had never been, a violent individual, even during previous episodes,” according to the family.

Concerned by recent news of police shootings, Chris called 911 again at approximately 1:20 a.m. “to provide additional information and prevent any potential misunderstanding or unnecessary escalation with the police,” the family said.

Chris also asked that police not enter the apartment, but was told that the police were required to respond for mental health cases, the family said.

To try and de-escalate the situation, Chris met police outside the door of the apartment, while Lee and her mother remained inside the unit.

An officer asked Chris for a key to the apartment, which he didn’t have, the family said.

The officer then pushed Chris aside and started to kick the door, the family alleged.

Inside the apartment, Lee’s mother “noticed with relief” that her daughter had dropped the pocketknife, the family’s statement said. Unnerved by the banging on the door, Lee picked up a 5-gallon Poland Spring plastic water bottle and clutched it.

Moments later, the door burst open, “and almost immediately, a gunshot was fired,” the Lee family’s statement said.

Relatives never saw an ambulance arrive for Lee. She was carried out of the apartment by several officers without a stretcher, according to the family.

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What in the actual fuck?