Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Seems like a nice fellow.

I thought I was as anti cop as anyone
I was wrong


Don’t usually see the don’t tread on me sticker with a bunch of anti cop stuff together. That’s a complicated dude.

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I prefer these guys over the people claiming to be libertarian but are just fascists who want to smoke weed and not pay taxes.




You forgot having sex with underage girls.

The Gadson flag may have different interpretations. This guy obviously means, it’s dangerous to fuck with me

Pretty big “the police don’t have to tell you the truth and can lie to you” situation

Within hours after Thomas Perez Jr. called police to report his father missing, he found himself in a tiny interrogation room confronted by Fontana detectives determined to extract a confession that he killed his dad.

Perez had told police that his father, 71-year-old Thomas Perez Sr., went out for a walk with the family dog at about 10 p.m. on Aug. 7, 2018. The dog returned within minutes without Perez’s father. Investigators didn’t believe his story, and over the next 17 hours they grilled him to try to get to the “truth.”

According to court records, detectives told Perez that his father was dead, that they had recovered his body and it now “wore a toe tag at the morgue.” They said they had evidence that Perez killed his father and that he should just admit it, records show.

Perez insisted he didn’t remember killing anyone, but detectives allegedly told him that the human mind often tries to suppress troubling memories.

At one point during the interrogation, the investigators even threatened to have his pet Labrador Retriever, Margosha, euthanized as a stray, and brought the dog into the room so he could say goodbye. “OK? Your dog’s now gone, forget about it,” said an investigator.

“How can you sit there, how can you sit there and say you don’t know what happened, and your dog is sitting there looking at you, knowing that you killed your dad?” a detective said. “Look at your dog. She knows, because she was walking through all the blood.”

Finally, after curling up with the dog on the floor, Perez broke down and confessed. He said he had stabbed his father multiple times with a pair of scissors during an altercation in which his father hit Perez over the head with a beer bottle.

He was so distraught that he even tried to hang himself with the drawstring from his shorts after being left alone in the interrogation room. Perez was arrested, handcuffed and transported to a mental hospital for 72-hour observation.

But later that day, the truth derailed the detectives’ theory and their prized confession.

Perez’s father wasn’t dead — or even missing. Thomas Sr. was at Los Angeles International Airport waiting for a flight to see his daughter in Northern California. But police didn’t immediately tell Perez



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Not the first time I’ve heard of cops getting someone who probably has some mental development issues to confess to a crime that didn’t even happen.

Reminds me of an old joke. Theres a test to see which law enforcement agency is best at finding suspects so they release a rabbit into the woods. Blah blah some other agencies do some shit and it takes them a while to find it. The NYPD comes back 5 minutes later beating the shit out of a bear and it’s screaming “I’m a rabbit I’m a rabbit”


IANAL, but that dude’s lawyer seems like complete shit.

Only 900K for that? How?

It’s all the taxpayers could afford.

LOL calling the police for that. What happened is more likely than any other outcome.

The lawyer probably gets at least 300k of that, so seems competent to me lol.

He left a lot on the table for himself as well.

I mean what these cops did is absolutely brutal and shouldn’t be allowed. But a huge reason shit like this happens is because people don’t know their rights. It doesn’t matter how innocent you are. STFU and don’t talk to cops!!! If they arrest you and put you in an interrogation room, you wait for an attorney even if it’s a PD

I’m so serious about this that if I’m in line with a cop at Chipotles and he asks how I’m doing, my response would be, I don’t answer questions. NEVER TALK TO COPS!!!

Because he didn’t have faith in lol law

Perez agreed to the settlement rather than take the case to trial out of concern that a jury award could be overturned on appeal on grounds of qualified immunity for police.

Holy shit - the cop is a piece of shit. The video of the shooting is just abhorent (seems he just got tired for trying to catch the dog so shot it) - and then his treatment of the owner is even worse.

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