Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Yeah, just like they were all over the cops when Philando Castile was killed.


Definitely this.

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Police chase in high def

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Only the brightest apply to be law enforcement.

Canadian police are just like American police.

I always park to use the app before going through the drive-thru.

man they wanted to quit so bad hahaaa

Canadian cops are no better

Couple questions for the LawBros:

What’s the legality of warrantless searches of Uber passengers during a routine traffic stop?

What would be the best response in said situation if you didn’t want your rights violated?

My guesses to these answers are

  1. I highly doubt they would have any legal basis, unless you were like hanging out the window pointing a glock.

  2. Fuck off*

I am also interested in lawbro responses.

*not actually this, but politely

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My general understanding is that they can’t search passengers during a traffic stop - without exceptional circumstances. They might be able to do a terry frisk for “officer safety” - but even then they are supposed to have some basis that you are a risk.

If they try, I’d just keep repeating, I don’t consent to a search of my person. Plus start recording the encounter. You could try to argue the legality, but cops don’t care and will do it anyway if they want - your goal should be to document your lack of consent in case they find anything so it will be thrown out (otherwise, they will claim you consented).

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The problem is, the driver can consent to searching the car.

He can’t consent to them searching you or your property though.,vehicles%20they%20do%20not%20own.

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Not sure if this is the exact scenario, but potentially a relevant anecdote. Someone has probably broken down case law somewhere on the Youtubes.

Is this where we laugh about Louisville PD arresting a golfer on his way to an event?


just repeat “I do not consent to any search” over and over.

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Am I being levelled? Isn’t that just a crap photoshop?
Maybe it’s just too early and I need more coffee.

Come back after coffee. It’s not photoshopped at all


It feels like a two button meme between “rich famous white guy got off easy” and “overaggressive cops are lying as usual”. Maybe it’s both.