Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

That’s actually a decent apology

how is it even possible that we are seeing this video and “trial begins April 5th” is a fact??? Jesus christ even when you catch them with their fucking dick in the cookie jar everyone still gives them every possible benefit of the doubt

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Oliver later said during a pre-trial hearing that she opened the bottle herself and poured the alcohol out, citing what she believed to be police department policy that prevented officers from impounding liquids as evidence.
Our Tallahassee notes there is no such policy.

Among the trends CBC uncovered:

The median length of time for a suspension was 553 days, or about a year and a half. The longest suspension has lasted nine years and the shortest was one day.

More than one-third of the allegations against suspended officers involved gender-based violence including sexual assault, intimate partner violence and sexual harassment.

The majority (87 per cent) of suspensions were accompanied by a criminal charge.

Nearly half of all officers suspended and convicted of a crime returned to work. Just under one in 10 were fired.

The vast majority were constables, but all ranks were represented including chiefs and deputy chiefs.
Eleven officers were suspended multiple times during the past decade.

this guy just got found GUILTY in the trial…

“Riley’s defense argued the police officers in the case were not credible. They pointed to two of the officers changing details in their testimonies and that all of the officers turned off their body-worn cameras at one point during the investigation.”

it’s just crazy to me that turning off your body camera isn’t an automatic admission that you are lying.

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Police officer picked up a guy on the side of the road, told his family he dropped him off at a convenience store, but reported that he took him to the hospital but the hospital has no record of it. The guy is missing


Holy fuck

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I guess it’s “relevant” that he’s a police officer but this strikes me as similar to “black guy/immigrant arrested for raping baby”.

When there are a million of some people every act imaginable will be done by some of those people, and then one can assert the true statement “X category of person did Y” with the implication that X category of person (Jews/atheists/immigrants/cops) is more likely than the general population to do Y.

Like are cops more likely to rape babies than bakers or accountants? Did he do it as part or in relation to his job function?

I have significant issues with cops, but thinking they are prone to baby rape, absent more information, is not one of them.

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how are we defining “prone to” here

more likely than the average human?

Yes, basically.

Average adult male human.

Minor victory for accountability. Of course cop almost certainly won’t be prosecuted, and will also likely get hired on some other force.

Not sure if this was posted


Supposedly the cyclist didn’t stop for a light… And the cop took it personally

So close to having that cyclist run over by that white SUV… Cop is probably angry he didn’t execute it better.

ETA: Oops, everything is okay. The police department is investigating itself. Crisis averted

In Ontario we have a special investigations unit (SIU) which is mandated to investigate all police related incidents. Essentially any time someone is injured at the hands of police this somewhat independent team launches an investigation of the incident. It’s not perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than what the US has.


How do you rate SIU’s performance in the Umar Zameer case?

I’m going to need to read more into that, do you have any links about their specific involvement in the case?

I couldn’t find anything (but I didn’t spend too much time on it), so I figured I’d ask if you knew more.

Since it was the cop who died I’m not sure they were involved. If Zameer were injured by the police then that is 100% under their jurisdiction.