Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Doing sex crimes from a Snapchat account using his own name. #GalaxyBrain

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Sidewalkless street wheelchair man is ticketed for being in the street.

Protect and serve.

Pretty sure he can count it as a win that he didn’t get tased.

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Definitely using a hammer to put in a screw.

The robot dogs are getting shot up now.

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Jesus christ

I feel like the word “murdered” should be in this sentence somewhere.


“The deputies were not wearing body cameras, but the department also shared audio from the belt of the deputy standing closest to the girl.”

How is this not an immediate felony? Any death in the hands of police not wearing/not having turned on body cams should immediately be investigated as a homicide.

Fucking fuck


Of course, this is another example of everything the cops saying about a shooting is a life. Fuck the press for actually reporting what they say as if it holds credibility.

Their initial claims including that (1) she was shooting at them from the car during the chase and (2) she was decked out in tactical gear. Both seem almost certainly just straight made up.

Cops are consistently the biggest cowards, but insist on being lauded as heros. Protect and serve needs to be changed to murder and serve warrants.

neglect and swerve

The video on that page actually understates how bad it was. They shoot her and then ignore her for like a full minute.

Also before the car stops, the cops are just blindly firing at the car knowing that there is a probable hostage in there, to say nothing about possible crossfire.

Watch at your own risk. You will get angry. Shooting at around 3:35.

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My local sheriff’s department, whom we thought the sheriff we just elected was going to be a good one, just hired a guy named Chris Burbank to the force. You can read all about Chris Burbank and his role in killing Manuel Ellis here:

The dept that had Chris resign and paid him $500k severance is about 30 miles north of my county…

Burbank and Collins were subsequently interviewed by investigators from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, although the duo later refused to be interviewed by investigators from the Washington State Patrol.[14] The News Tribune reported on transcripts and recordings of Burbank and Collins’s interviews, giving the following account.[24] The officers said that when they came across Ellis, he was standing in the middle of the intersection at 96th Street South and Ainsworth Avenue South, where he attempted to open the door of a slowly moving car, but failed (of note, the driver of this car was never found by investigators).[24] The officers said that Ellis approached them while they were in their car, and that he was sweating despite the cold weather.[24] Burbank quoted Ellis saying something similar to: “I’m having a bad day, I need some help and I have warrants”.[24] The officers said Ellis threatened to punch Burbank, who then closed the car window, leading to Ellis punching the car window.[24] Collins left the car and Ellis assumed a “fighting stance” towards Collins, so Burbank said that he used his car’s “door to actually door check him and hit him with the door to draw his attention away from” Collins, which was supposedly the first instance of physical contact between the men.[24] Collins alleged that Ellis used “superhuman strength” to lift him, throwing Collins into the ground and starting a “wild” fight.[14][24] According to The Seattle Times, the most significant difference between Burbank and Collins’s accounts to sheriff’s investigators was that “Burbank did not witness Ellis hoist and throw Collins”.[27]

Several of the police statements were "contradicted by the three civilian witnesses, none of whom ever saw Ellis in the intersection, or saw Elliers’ car, or saw Ellis attack, punch, or otherwise strike the officers at any point"s strike the offic, stated the May 2021 charging documents written by Washington prosecutors; in addition, the prosecutors wrote that the “civilian accounts are supported by video sources.”[4][26]

The newly elected sheriff is getting rightfully raked over the coals due to his reddit response:

We ignorantly thought that this guy was a difference kind of officer, but nope.

$500k severance for a cop :harold:


Pretty cool gig. Murder someone AND get paid half a million. You don’t even have to traverse the dark web to do it!

A happy ending, I suppose:


So, you can get rid of bad cops with death threats to their family?

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