Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

French police beat the guy for 8 minutes. Pull his trousers down and assault him with a truncheon leaving him permanently injured.

They received suspended sentences. How.

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Prosecutors had asked for a three-year suspended jail term for Castelain, who yielded [sic] the baton and has been accused of voluntary violence that led to a “permanent disability”.

Prosecutors asked for suspended sentences? Maybe there are some mitigating factors but this seems incomprehensible given the reporting.

Police were white, victim was black.



What’s French for ACAB?

Le jambon with cheese


I’d naturally go with something like TPSB, but I’m not sure that is what an actual French person would say.

ACAB. French people are not afraid to use American words/slogans directly. BLM is the same.



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Your pony got driveby’d

this is my hometown. this cop got 2 rape charges, 2 aggravated burglary charges with 2 gun specifications bc HE RAPED 2 WOMEN WHILE ON DUTY. wearing a badge and uniform.

they found out saturday, brought him in to be interviewed today at 1pm and BCI arrested him in the police station. sitting in county right now.

17-year cop, insta-fired. this is gonna be bad i think, gotta be video for them to IMMEDIATELY throw their hands up and absolve themselves of this fucking guy. what the fuck

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gotta be video for them to immediately abandon a 17-year veteran and immediately throw him to the wolves. they ain’t taking nobody’s word for it that fast without video or dna, and even dna it’s probably paid leave until the trial.

0% they’re ending this guy’s life without hard, hard evidence. a random woman saying “he raped me” isn’t at allll convincing warren cops that a warren cop raped her.

whatever happened, it had to be really, really fucking bad for the warren chief of police to IMMEDIATELY charge/arrest/fire him. he was literally a few years from retirement. every cop in that building knew him, his family, his kids, something has to be really bad. the chief was like, “i don’t even know what to say…” that’s telling. he was in shock still. never ever have i seen a cop act like that towards a co-worker/friend without KNOWING not only that it was bad, but that there’s proof that it was bad.

edit to add: both his and his wife’s (again, they’re both cops in the same dept.) fb pages are still up. many pics from their wedding with other cops drunk dancing in their boxers. this is gonna break their rotten police department…

update: cop met this hooker at some incident, they’ve had a months-long “relationship”. there are text messages between them that investigators have. lots. on that day, he said he’s coming over, she told him no. he started flipping out. she set up a camera in her house. he comes over, and my brother says “there’s gonna be a video of a violent assault/rape by a cop in full uniform, the whole thing”. cop’s wife has seen it, all the other cops have seen it. $750,000 bond that he’s not gonna be able to pay. currently on suicide watch in county.

can’t wait to see what happens with the video. on one hand, the cops/city are going to fight like hell to never let it see the light of day. people see that and the lawsuit might bankrupt them.

on the other hand, if she’s smart enough to digitally record him, she’s probably smart enough to make many, many copies before she handed it over to the police…

edit to add: a) there are still fb pages up with their wedding with the rest of the entire department drunk dancing in their boxers. b) 100% the plan was “who are you gonna believe? this dirty hooker or a decorated 17-year veteran cop?”. didn’t see the video coming…


Don’t watch.

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apparently he has a $750k bail. nobody has paid it yet, but… i dunno, i can’t think like a cop obviously, and maybe he’s convinced himself he can get out of it. but it seems far, faaar more likely that either a) he gets out, finds a gun and pops himself, or b) he figures even a 1% better chance of getting off by killing the woman is better than just accepting 25 years or whatever.

and how many of his dirty coworkers are tweaking right now?

i’m more interested in him psychologically right now than i should be. i’m sure that week they were investigating him, he was plotting and scheming and figured there were no loose ends and even if there were, she’s a whore and he’s a cop and it’s his friends investigating. didn’t see the video coming…

my brother was in charge of a 15-year old that beat his 86-year old neighbor to death (then raped her) and then just wandered around bloody until he got caught. he said he had some looow days after a while when it all hit him but never talked about killing himself.

this has to be different though. unless this guy is a sociopath, the shame he must feel. i don’t think i could go through it, especially as a sex offender former cop in prison.

also, i wonder if he could finesse a lawyer into going with a “that’s not me it’s a deep fake video” defense.

being on duty probably makes it hard to have an alibi that can’t be run down though.

It would be better for this to go to court with all the evidence and have it in the news cycle. If he commits suicide the bootlickers will mobilize to make him the victim in the narrative.

text i just got:

“Allegedly, she knew he was coming to rape her and it had happened other times in the past so she set up TWO cell phone cameras. As soon as he got there he checked for cameras, found one of them and shut it off, then raped her not realizing there was a 2nd camera.”

i don’t think even the bootlickers are gonna have much to say.

to be a fly on the wall the moment someone told him there was a second camera…

Oh, so she set him up!



They ALWAYS have an excuse.

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