Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Police have cited this guy 82 times for feeding the homeless.

What the actual fuck. That dude seems like such a good person just from that short clip. Protect and serve, but don’t serve food.

Based af

Just to put this in perspective, I couldn’t find any ordinance against feeding pigeons in Houston, but feeding people will get you cited.

It doesn’t even look like the cops want to give him the ticket.

I guess it’s nice to imagine that the cops are experiencing some discomfort because of their humanity and the inherently inhumane act they are being forced to do, but it seems just as likely that they are upset because a) they aren’t getting the satisfaction they usually get from their bullying because the guy doesn’t seem that upset, and b) they are frustrated that they can’t stop the person from filming them looking stupid and evil.


True, although it might be more than imagining.

Couldn’t the cops forcibly stop the food distribution and break it all up? I don’t think they’re doing that. It appears that they are just letting him do it and giving him a ticket that it seems that everyone knows will not lead to significant consequences.

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Could be. We obviously don’t have all the facts.

No one LIKES doing their job, why are cops different?

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While people may not like their job over all, there are generally parts of their job that they like. The part that cops tend to like is asserting their authority over someone who has virtually no recourse. Like isn’t strong enough; they fucking love that shit.

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Police throwing slushies at pedestrians.

They were fired and pled guilty to charges. One was sentenced to 3 months and the other 30 months in jail.


The real story is of course that the whole department knew what they were doing and many others participated (driving them around, filming them, etc.) but get almost no punishment.

Every cop should have been at least fired and banned from ever being a cop again. I would argue that most should have been charged as accomplices - you know if any non-cop did this, anyone involved at all would catch charges.


Must have been fans of glee.

We can still do this


I hope jail really really sucks for them.

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In high school I was riding around in a car with a couple HOOLIGANS and before I knew it, I was being handed a carton of eggs and told to throw them at the people who were for some reason standing outside our high school after dark for some sort of gathering of AP English students

The only thing I could think to do was act like I was bad at throwing. Two eggs smashed all over the car’s headliner before the driver got frustrated enough to drive away and try to clean his mom’s car


When the same thing happened to Tom Cruise, he tried to apologize to Coach and his wife, but Craig T. Nelson was not amused, and then it became a whole thing, but with a happy ending.

Cop kills bastard.