Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Wat?! That simply can’t be real, there is no way the cops just grab dogs off the street, drive them to a park and blast it with their boom boom snuggle sticks.

Maybe someone could stage a dog vs. robot dog cage match.

I wish I didn’t read that. So much rage.

2A doesn’t go far enough. Dogs should have the right to bear arms.

I can’t comprehend how someone could shoot a dog that wasn’t attacking them or someone else. Wtf.

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Yeah, like i don’t get how that’s standard procedure or whatever, but if I called that in like “hey, I’ve got this dog that was given to me on this call” and my supervisor was like “go ahead and take it to a lot and blow it’s head off”…I’m not doing that, like ever at all for any reason and my supervisor can fuck themselves. Takes a real broken piece of shit to do something like that, regardless of standard procedure.


I have a cousin that was a cop and they got a call from a factory that a raccoon had snuck into some kind of industrial glue like substance. They drove it to the humane society who wouldn’t deal with it as the stuff wouldn’t wash off so they drove to an empty field and shot it.

An on-duty deputy with the Sonoma County Sheriff was exposed to fentanyl early Wednesday morning and had to be administered an anti-opioid, the office said.

The deputy was dispatched around 3:12 a.m. to a business on East Todd Road after a caller reported finding what appeared to be a small amount of fentanyl. The deputy arrived and talked to the reporting party, but in the process of collecting the suspected fentanyl, the deputy immediately began to feel lightheaded and dizzy, and experienced rapid tunnel vision, all symptoms of acute fentanyl exposure, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

That’s a panic attack, bro


Someone needs to prove bullshit on the fentanyl exposure by hiding fentanyl in cop’s pocket, Jimmy McGill style.


“As little as 2mg of fentanyl can be fatal, according to the Sonoma County Sheriff.”

Cool, how about according to doctors? Maybe we shouldn’t take medical advice from county sherrifs?


“Cop snorts heroin, finds out it’s fentanyl. Pretends he just touched it.”


“You’re touching fentanyl and your touching fentanyl and your touching fentanyl.”

Give a speech to a bunch of police officers and put a gift under their seat.

I’m struggling with the grammar here.



Tl;dr Police arrest and place an 11 year old in solitary confinement for three days because of a crazy school principal. #acab #mpab

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Do you want another unabomber? Because that’s how you get another unabomber.

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I hope this kid gets famous and goes to Harvard.

Sounds like an awesome little nerd. Why would anyone lock this kid up. Wtf.

He actually seems pretty insufferable, but he still didn’t deserve the treatment he got.

In an exclusive interview with NBC4 on Friday, the workers told a chilling story of being hired Tuesday afternoon by Samuel Haskell, the man jailed on suspicion of murder.

The workers said they were paid $500 to haul away three large trash bags from inside the garage at Haskell’s home on Coldstream Terrace in Tarzana, about 25 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. He told the workers the bags were full of rocks. But once they picked up the bags, they said it felt like there was meat inside.

“When we picked up the bags, we could tell they weren’t rocks,” one of the workers said in Spanish. He did not want to be identified.

The men described the bags as soft and soggy, each weighing about 50 pounds.

They said something didn’t feel right, so they stopped their truck a block away to look inside the bags.

“I started seeing body parts, a belly button,” the worker said. “I was astonished. Of course, I felt bad. We had been tricked.”

They drove back to Haskell’s home, left the bags on the driveway and returned the money.

The men said they drove immediately to the police, but were turned away from two law enforcement stations when they tried to report what they saw. First, from the California Highway Patrol station on De Soto, where the men said they were directed to the Los Angeles Police Department. Then from the LAPD Topanga Station, they were told to leave and call 911 from the courtyard.

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An independent pathologist examining the newly exhumed body of Dexter Wade — the Mississippi man killed by police and buried in a pauper’s grave without his mother’s knowledge — found a wallet with a state identification card that included the address of a home he shared with his mother, the family’s lawyer said Thursday.