Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Also known as “Driving while black”.


Here is the biggest problem line. Why was he being placed under arrest? There is no reason here, or further in the article, and you cant just place somebody under arrest because you fucking feel like it.

He had every right to question and contest an arrest being done without cause, and this pig murdered him for questioning his authority.


In court.

Jesus fuck, how those boots taste?

Youre saying he has no right to question why he is being arrested while in the act of being arrested? Maybe we should hold our law enforcement to the bare minimum standard of “Must provided a legal reason for arrest to the arrestee at the time of arrest.”

I dunno, tack it on as a provision to Miranda maybe. But to say that a guy who had been wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years cannot ask why he is being arrested is fucking ludicrous.

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Might have been justified. I’m undecided.

Seriously? Have you ever been pulled over for speeding before and the first order from an officer was to yell to you while standing next to their car to exit your vehicle and put your hands on the car?

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No, I haven’t, and I should quality my undecided stance.

I think the traffic stop was likely bull shit, I think the officer was in the wrong screaming at him for getting out of the car - But I think once Cure had the cop’s face against the car, I think the shooting is likely justified. I dislike cops as much as anybody on this forum, and I think they overstep their bounds, just as this cop did during the traffic stop. But are we expecting the cop to just take the beating?

Just a shitty situation all around. I think at some point Cure has to just think to himself that he just has to accept that this traffic stop is bullshit and he’s likely going to jail for the night.

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he cuffed the dead body?

I hadn’t watched the video before my initial response and had only read the article.

The officer deserves derision, firing, and likely jail time for his escalation of a situation that didn’t require it. It was a routine traffic stop that should have been handled as a routine traffic stop but was instead aggressive from the jump because the driver was black.

While the driver did speed past the cop, there were brake lights ahead and the cop had already slowed down. I will eat my hat if Cure was doing 100 mph like the cop said. This should have been nothing more than a routine stop with a ticket. Ordering him from the car and arresting him for nothing ultimately led to his death.

Did he fight back after he was tased for no reason? Not complying my dick, he had his hands exactly where the cop asked him to put his hands and then was tased in the back. His fight or flight kicked in, and the cop used the excuse to murder him.

Its a disgusting video showing an abuse of power and a man trying to protect himself.


apparently, you don’t :joy:


Its just the height of bullshit that these people can take something benign, initiate violence themselves, and then scream self defense when the victim defends themselves. This cant continue

I just had the most insane speeding stop ever. I literally just got off call reporting the officer. I am fighting this to the death. Pulled over for going 53 in a 40. He tells me this is why I’m pulled over. From the first word the cop is super aggressive and very rude. My dog is barking in the back so I can’t hear him very well which pissed him off so he gets more aggressive and rude. I finally say to him that it’s only a traffic stop and he doesn’t need to be so rude and aggressive. He doesn’t like that.

He then leaves and comes back and magically he supposedly clocked me in 30 at 7 pm on Saturday and I illegally passed on a road with four lanes two each way. Just totally made up.

I fighting this prick to the end.


This has been my experience with every “line of duty” police interaction I’ve had, or however you want to phrase interactions where they are actively policing. Every time it was for non moving violations, or in one case where I was the good samaritan in a bad situation. Just unnecessarily aggressive, power tripping assholes. The profession self selects for that type of dickhead.


According to the suit, filed yesterday in federal court, Parker had been a gentle, loving dog ever since he was rescued by Bryan Pennington eight years ago.

On August 27 of this year, a storm rocked the Pennington home and Parker wandered off, showing up on the doorstep of a woman named Hillary Mayberry. Mayberry posted on Facebook trying to locate Parker’s owner and called the Stoddard County Sheriff’s Department.

Stoddard County is southwest of Cape Girardeau, between Sikeston and Poplar Bluff.

Deputy Roger Seal arrived and put Parker in his patrol vehicle. Seal then allegedly took the dog to the Otter Slough Conservation Area, allowed it to run around briefly and then shot it once. Parker did not die immediately. Eight minutes later, Seal shot the dog again and threw its body in a ditch.

According to the suit, killing dogs in such a manner is “the standard operating practice and procedure” of the Stoddard County Sheriff’s Department. The suit alleges the department does this routinely without conducting any due diligence or concern for the condition of the animal and without notifying the dogs’ owners

What? Theres no animal shelter in Stoddard county?


Fair punishment would be doing the exact same thing to that piece of shit deputy. Jfc.


Check his bed sheets to see if they are wet

Also according to the suit, killing dogs in such a manner is “The standard operating practice and procedure” of a bunch of fucking psychopaths.

Goddamn. Standard operating procedure is to murder stray dogs with guns. Awful.

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