Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?


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The lawsuit alleges the deputies’ actions before Karin Riebe’s death coincided with a statewide protest and claims of confusion from law enforcement over a new law that defines when police can use force.

Seems like the ussc has established that the cops are not required to protect people, so the lawsuit will probably fail if it makes it up there.

In a shocking and deeply disturbing incident, the Minor High School band director was subjected to excessive force and wrongful arrest by a Birmingham Police Officer during last week’s Minor vs. Jackson-Olin football game. In response to this egregious violation of civil rights, Attorney Juandalynn Givan has been retained to represent Minor’s band director and seek justice.

The incident unfolded on Thursday, September 14, 2023 when the band director, Johnny Mims, a respected member of the community, was doing his job and directing his band during their performance — the 5th Quarter. Without any justifiable cause, a Birmingham Police Officer approached the band director, escalating the situation to an unimaginable extent. The officer deployed a taser against the band director, causing physical harm and inflicting emotional distress all while in front of his students.

Attorney Givan states, “This incident is an alarming abuse of power and a clear violation of our client’s civil rights. It is unacceptable for law enforcement to engage in home rule in the field of play or with regard to band activities unless there is a significant threat to the safety of the general public. These matters should be addressed by school district administrators or other leaders with expertise to de-escalate situations like this. I am asking the Mayor of Birmingham and the Chief of Police to place all officers involved on administrative leave until further investigation. We will not rest until justice is served and those responsible are held accountable. This case highlights the urgent need for police reform, training and the protection of every citizen’s rights.”

The legal team, led by Attorney Givan, in conjunction with the Alabama Education Association (AEA) will investigate the incident, gather evidence, and pursue legal action against the Birmingham Police Department. The objective is not only to seek damages for the pain and suffering endured by the band director, but also to shed light on the systemic issues within law enforcement and advocate for change.

We urge witnesses and members of the community to come forward with any information that could aid in this case. Their cooperation is vital in ensuring that justice prevails and preventing such incidents from happening in the future.

Givan and Associates via Chaverst Strategies

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“While city law prevents me from commenting on the details of the event undergoing OPA investigation, racism has no place in our police department and in our city. Full stop,” Mayor Bruce Harrell said in a statement, commending Diaz for acting “quickly and decisively” when the audio became public.

Reading this study on police crime

A few things I saw browsing through it…only 54% of officers who committed serious crimes lost their jobs. Of those officers guilty of sex crimes, about 50% were children.


Unfireable even when you’ve been sued 50 times?

OK to be fair, there aren’t a lot of Jewish people in NYC who could explain to the NYPD why this is so silly.

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Sorry for sharing this clickbait account, but it popped up in my feed:

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Shoo pig


Good - limiting qualified immunity is the only thing that might slow down cops. Sadly this is super rare and I suspect SCOTUS would be quite cop friendly.


Yeah I assume this get snap overturned most of the time, except the judges’ reasoning seems rock solid if the article is to be believed? The wording of the statute is crystal clear and his 4A rights were clearly violated so we will see

I suspect SCOTUS won’t take it up so it’ll stand. More pointing out that if lower courts start routinely finding no qualified immunity SCOTUS will step in (or you could probably even get Congress to pass stronger protections since even most Dems back the blue.)

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I’ve watched a lot of his stuff, he’s pretty good

that dude has a ways to go on his presentation abilities… that video is DULL. gotta up that youtubez game.

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Good article on the DARE program and a good reminder that ACAB


The GBI said in a statement that Cure’s vehicle was stopped by the deputy at about 7.30am in Camden county. The statement said the deputy had “initiated a traffic stop”, but the GBI did not give the reason for the stop.

Cure got out of the car “at the deputy’s request”, the GBI said.

“Cure complied with the officer’s commands until learning that he was under arrest,” the statement said.

The GBI’s statement said the deputy shocked Cure with a stun gun “after not complying with the deputy’s requests”. In its statement, the GBI accused Cure of assaulting the deputy, who shocked Cure with a stun gun a second time and struck him with a collapsible baton with which law enforcement officers are often equipped.

“However, Cure still did not comply,” the GBI’s statement alleged. “The deputy pulled out his gun and shot Cure.”

Didn’t give a reason for the traffic stop or why he was arrested.

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There is absolutely 0 chance the body cam footage backs up this “official statement”

Time for protests in Georgia, imo

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“Driving erratically and speeding” is what I saw in another article…