Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?



Owned a Belgian and you couldn’t be more wrong. No bad dogs, only bad humans.

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Proof that cop guns save lives:

This dude’s own gun fired a fatal shot through his femoral artery when he was trying to draw it on some kids

Good gun. Good outcome


I don’t expect the post to just flat-out say “RIP to this officer who mishandled his own gun and shot himself”, but what a fucking disingenuous way to phrase it.


That’s 4 years ago, did the report on his death just become public?

Hmm, maybe. Good catch

Was still happy to read it.

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Suicide implies intent to off himself. Self-inflicted GSW more accurate.

Guess it’s better to intend to kill oneself than accidentally do it.

A real life Barney Fife

Why is that 4 year old incident (and article) relevant today?

New report about it recently

(pregnant) woman shoplifts, cops are called. one stands 6 inches in front of her car while another argues with her at the driver’s window.

turns her car on, gun comes out. starts to slowly go forward, executed.

this filthy fuck knew exactly what he was doing. if i stand right in front of her car and she starts to drive i get to kill her.

i fucking hate cops and look forward to the day people start randomly killing them for revenge.


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It’s ironic that cops are some of the biggest pussies to walk the earth


that’s him?

i wish a lot of bad things on that piece of shit.

Gonna suggest you guys not read the comments.

Everyone on next door is like - “Does anyone know this 8 year old who went into my yard to get their ball? I had my gun ready to shoot them. Please warn and teach your children!” so I can imagine the comments.

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That’s Micah Xavier Johnson, who killed 5 cops in one night in Dallas in 2016, before they sent a bomb robot to blow him up.

His motive was what you want.

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