Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

White people do not like to be treated like black people in America.


Because this situation, and their food, were not already fucked up enough, Applebee’s fired the employee who recorded the incident.

Good to charge the guy and his gf/wife with a bunch of phony stuff to make his subsequent lawsuit against them harder to be successful.

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The charge: Saving while black.


Reading Killers of the Flower Moon

“For years after the American Revolution, the public opposed the creation of police departments, fearing that they would become forces of repression.”


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So these officers literally carry around a gun in the back of their cars to plant on victims that they shoot.


Pretty sure that is standard police protocol


I’m pretty sure in Canada if an officer ever had an unauthorized firearm discovered on them or their vehicle they would be instafired and probably charged with some indictable offenses.
Officers are not allowed to bring their firearm with them anywhere when they’re not on duty either. They return to the station when shift is completed and their gun goes in a locker where a supervisor confirms it.

Also, for that story above isn’t there a federal hate crimes unit that could get involved? Seems purely racially motivated.

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gun that i keep in my car couldn’t ever get traced back to me if the shells were found :man_shrugging:t3:

If your going to keep a gun somewhere it is so likely to be stolen from, you wouldn’t want it to be traceable back to you.

Jesus, that’s awful news. His wife can’t catch a break.

Only thing that stops a bad guys with a gun is a good guy with a car

BTW, I’m not sure this story really fits the thread. It seems like the officer used restraint, didn’t try to kill the person, and got a better outcome than shooting her.

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Lol that article was not what I expected after seeing this headline

I was like “damn that cop was on a rampage”

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A sweeping investigation began in early 2022 as a narrow probe into officers who allegedly cheated on college tests to obtain salary raises.

Ok starting out small

Beginning in 2019, then-Pittsburg Police Officer Berhan utilized a person to complete multiple college courses for him, according to investigators. The courses helped Berhan complete a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice, and bump up his salary at the Pittsburg Police Department. Five more officers joined the scheme after Berhan touted the person’s college “services” for fraudulent coursework, investigators said.

Ok not the best but not the worst. We want our police officers to be honest

Two Antioch police officers charged in the second indictment were identified as: Daniel James Harris and Devon Christopher Wenger. The duo was charged with conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids, possession with intent to distribute steroids, and destroying evidence.

Ok we’re a littler further in but not still not the worst thing ever.

On May 6, 2021, Williams was at a crime scene when another officer deployed a police dog to make a arrest. Williams spotted a witness who used a cellphone to record video of the K9 incident’s aftermath. The indictment alleges that Williams seized the witness’ phone and destroyed it. In a separate incident, Williams is accused of tipping off the target of a wiretap.

Ok we’re getting a lot worse now.

Three Antioch police officers allegedly committed “a disturbing litany of civil rights violations. The defendants boasted about their illegal use of force in text messages,” Ramsey said.

The officers are accused of collecting trophies from shooting scenes, writing racist text messages, excessively deploying K9 units to attack suspects, using a 40mm launchers as “punishment,” and intentionally leaving their body-worn cameras off.

“The officers had no interest in de-escalating to avoid violence. They collected as mementos spent ammunition from their attacks on the people of Antioch. They tried to escape scrutiny by failing to submit truthful reports or use their body-worn cameras. The damage done to public trust cannot easily be calculated,” Ramsey said.

Ok damn, fuck not good

Three Antioch police officers charged in the fourth indictment were identified as: Eric Allen Rombough, Morteza Amiri, and Devon Christopher Wenger. The trio was charged with conspiracy against rights, deprivation of rights under color of law, destruction of evidence, and falsification of records.

Officer Eric Rombough, who played soccer professionally before joining APD, bragged about how hard he kicked a young Black man in the head, court records containing the text messages show. Rombough wrote in one text, “He got his a** whooped in the back yard and I field goal kicked his head. I tried to knock him unconscious.”

In another text message from 2022, Rombough wrote, “Bottom line it doesn’t matter some gorilla killed another gorilla.”

On July 24, 2019, Amiri pulled over a bicyclist, identified in the indictment as “A.A.,” for failing to have lights on the bike after dark. Amiri, who is a K9 unit officer, deployed his dog named Purcy.

“Amiri punched him multiple times. K9 Purcy then bit A.A. in the arm, injuring him. Amiri then shared pictures of the victim’s wounds with other Antioch police officers who exchanged text messages including, ‘Yeah buddy good boy pursy.’ In response to a question from another officer about what cut the dog’s face, Amiri responded, ‘that’s a piece of the suspect’s flesh lol,'” investigators wrote.

Oh damn

When the FBI seized Antioch police officers’ professional and private cellphones, agents found chains of text messages exchanged between as many as 45 Antioch officers.

The texts contained racial slurs and described violence officers inflicted against suspects, court records show. The N-word and terms describing Black suspects as “gorillas,” “monkeys,” and circus animals were used in text messages written and received by officers and APD supervisors.

As many as 45 of Antioch’s approximately 100 officers were placed on leave because of racist, homophobic, and disturbing text chains.

A few bad apples…


This where that dude Masai shoved is from?

edit: nope, Alameda County.

It’s just a minority of officers.


Looks like we’re gonna be safe from Biden’s 87,000 strong warrior army of IRS agents coming after us.

Of course the accountants in America are packing.