Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

The Miami-Dade Police have said little about the Sunday night shooting or the alleged domestic violence that preceded it. On social media, the department has asked for “privacy at this difficult time,” and maintained its support for Ramirez, saying he remains “surrounded by… MDPD brothers and sisters.” Despite the domestic violence allegations against Ramirez, he’s received an outpouring of support from community members, political leaders, and law enforcement officials. Levine-Cava and the chair of the Miami-Dade County Commission traveled from Miami-Dade to Tampa overnight on Sunday in response to the shooting. “All that matters right now is Chief Ramirez’s well-being, and I join his family, his loved ones and all his Miami-Dade Police Department and Miami-Dade family in praying for his swift recovery,” Levine Cava wrote on Twitter.

Go fuck yourselves, every single one of these “supporters.”


In their defense, if you can’t support a cop who mishandles firearms or commits domestic assault, you can’t really support any cops…


we must forgive. everything else just perpetuates the status quo since about a 1st-day rebellion in paradise

to be the Dogman uh huh

More good guys


Police hold black family at gunpoint because they thought the car was stolen simply because the cops didn’t understand the difference between Arkansas and Arizona.

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Pay attention to what the cop is saying early on and try and figure out what you’re supposed to do… hands up, turn around, walk backwards, pull your shirt up, pull your shirt down, hands up.

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This is intentional. They shout confusing/contradictory commands in order to justify the murder later on because they “didn’t follow instructions.”

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We’re really asking a lot from our police if we expect them to know that Arizona and Arkansas aren’t both abbreviated with AR. I mean. that’s their first two letters, right? Who can keep that straight? Next we’ll be asking them to keep Nevada and Nebraska abbreviations correct. Seems like a heavy lift for law enforcement.

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Handler: Go after the bad guy!
Dog: bites cop

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This guy is probably confused as to why he got busted, like if you’re right wing you believe that unions are useless and only exist to funnel money to the union bosses at the expense of workers.

Drunk Guys with Guns

Three Pasadena officers were disciplined for drinking on-duty while at a birthday party held at another officer’s home in January, police confirmed Tuesday. A video which shows two officers drinking surfaced this week.

See! Unions are terrible and corrupt!

My honest opinion of Unions is there should be enough strong labour laws that they’re not needed. How we get to that point, I have no idea.

We get there with unions. Specifically one that will work on lobbying congress for labor laws.


I am pro-union. We are better off with unions than without them. They are wayyyyy better than the current alternative.

But I work closely with a union in my day job, and dealt extensively with another when running a community center. And at least in those cases oh boy you don’t want to see the sausage being made.

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Because of their proximity to big business and government, no doubt. Or maybe distance from church.

ICYMI, here is the body cam footage from the incident in Tampa with the Miami-Dade chief and his wife, from before he shot himself obviously

Just read some about this, including the statement put out by the family after the shooting. Guy was clearly suicidal before the police contact at the hotel, so framing the interaction with police as the catalyst is so shitty. Not to mention that cops are kind of known for showing up unexpectedly and handcuffing people, and this guy has been one for 28 years.

Both Jody and Freddy were shocked by the sudden arrival of numerous police officers shortly after 6:30 on that Sunday evening. It was even more shocking that Freddy was put in handcuffs. It is evident that being placed in handcuffs is a profoundly disturbing event for any who experiences it.

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